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Double languages?


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Hey, I installed oblivion with FCOM with some optionals and a UI mod, wich as anyone who installed FCOM would know takes forever to do :rolleyes:


So my problem is, everything is running smoothly except for the fact that half of my game is in english while the other half is in german! What I mean by this is, all menus are in english (start menu and all submenus). Some of my "tab screen" is english except for a few things like item description is in german while item names are in english. Also, skills are in german while skill information is in english!


My guess is maybe a mod I have re-wrote some language files, but i have no idea where to start looking for the culprit. I think the problem might have been with the UI mod I installed (since uninstalled) since only my tab screen and some action info (instead of "you acquired item" it says it in german. or instead of "this door is barred from the other side, you need a key" its in german) If anyone has any suggestions, or maybe some vanilla oblivion language files that would be greatly appreciated.


Also one last note, I have checked my oblivion INI files and set the language to "0" or english.

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Sounds like you just installed a German or Dutch version of one of your mods. Go back and look at the name of the mods you installed and ensure none of them have letters in parenthesis at the end of the file name, like this CoolModName (RU). The letters in parenthesis are the country and language that the mod is written for.
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