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I made a scabbard for a back weapon and named the NiTriShape "scb", and it worked correctly in Skyrim. However problem arises when I split this one scabbard mesh into two parts (so that I can use a different material for each part), with both named scb, only the first object works as a scabbard, the second would behave like part of the sword and stick to it. I didn't have this issue back in Oblivion and I hope there's a fix for this in skyrim, can anyone help please?
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Um... yeah. Hey, glad we could help! :laugh: (just kidding ;) )


Seriously, though, having seen your recreation of Narsil, I'll bet there's a serious bunch of people looking forward to your matching scabbard. :D


Congrats on figuring out the issue all by your lonesome, Isilmeriel, and hoping to see both mod (and screenies!) on the Skyrim Nexus soon! :woot:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Encountered another issue. I found that the dagger sheath is worn at a different angle than a sword sheath, and further to the front of the hips. Is there any way to move my sword scabbard there too? How do I adjust the positioning of scabbards?


Also, for some reasons in the inventory view of my weapon shows the sword with its pummel pointed straight at the viewer instead of tip-down like all skyrim weapons. How do I fix this?

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