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Protectron pod animation graph error


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i am trying to expand my MaxLockWorkshopTerminals mod with protectron pods
Everything works fine, except the "Occupied" animation does not play

I copied the ProtectronPod01 for it and of course I kept the AnimFurnProtectronPod keyword
But every time, the abProtectronRaceScript or any other script, tries to play the animation
I get the error:

the animation graph (GenericFurniture) cannot currently process event "Occupied".

I tried:

  • To enable / disable the pod and the spawned protectron in different order
  • Create a while loop to keep trying, to play the animation
  • Spawning the ProtectronPod01 instead and link the protectron to it
  • Placed the objects in a Cell (maybe it just won't work if created on run time?)
  • Add certain keywords or remove all keywords except AnimFurnProtectronPod
  • Double and triple checked the ProtectronPod01 form and my workshop form in FO4Edit.
  • Replaced my custom protectron const property with the default lvlProtectron form

It's just no use, the furniture won't start the animation at all and keeps throw out the error.

Google and any other search was useless as ever and just shown me "my game keeps crashing, please help me" threads.
http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Subgraphs only handles racial animations

My last hope is, anyone else has a clue.
I would appreciate any help.

Edited by Rhutos
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It's the same as in the original form.

Maybe there is a NIF I didn't extract.

I uploaded a screenshot of the original too.

Edited by Rhutos
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Hmm. I'll have to check in the CK to see if mine is the same or not.


What script command are you using to play the animations? Sometimes I have overcome the animation graph errors by using PlayGamebryoAnimation instead of PlayAnimation and vice-versa. Also, maybe try using a different animation entry point (asAnimation string). e.g. "Occupied" might not be the correct string for calling that animation.


EDIT: also look in the editor warnings log file in the Fallout 4 root folder. Look carefully for all the errors related to animation graphs. They might give some clues about the problem.

Edited by steve40
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abProtectronRaceScript is a native bethesda script and uses PlayAnimation ("Occupied").

I didn't find the error, but a workaround. Using SnapIntoInteraction on the protectron.

Thanks for you help.

Now I just need to find out, why the protectron won't run the shutdown package correctly

Edited by Rhutos
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Hmm I simply cannot get the protectron to use it's pod with the ProtectronSleepInsidePodPKG package

The package starts, the linked ref is correct. But the protectron just stands there doing nothing.

IsUnconscious () returns false

AI is enabled


Edited by Rhutos
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I've noticed a furniture glitch when modifying furniture already present in the game (not freshly crafted) - e.g. I added a script to make the furniture assignable. One symptom was that settlers wouldn't use the furniture that I had just assigned them to - they just stood there next to it. However, storing the (craftable) furniture and re-crafting it fixed the problem. The problem also seemed to fix itself if I did something that forced the item to unload/reload itself, such as fast travelling away and back, or entering an interior cell and leaving again. part of the reason is that existing items won't run OnInit() and won't necessarily run OnLoad() immediately if they were already loaded when I updated them. So you could try-


- Test if the problem still happens on a new game

- Try going indoors and then outdoors again (or vice-versa)

- Check if any scripts on the furniture/actor rely on OnInit() and OnLoad(). You might need to change your scripts to make the code fire somewhere else, such as from an OnActivate() event or OnPlayerLoadGame() or something.

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Thanks for your advice.

  • I am always testing my mods on early, non-modded saves in sanctuary
  • Didn't seem to work
  • My script don't use any of these events. It's a workshop script, so it uses workshop events. The protectron doesn't use any custom scripts at all, just the default protectronScript by bethesda. The scripts work just fine (except the furniture's issue with animations). Just the protectrons acts like the furniture doesn't exist.




Scriptname MaxLockWorkshopTerminals:ProtectronPodWorkshopScript extends WorkshopObjectScript

;	Properties
group Protectron
	ActorBase Property ProtectronForm Auto Mandatory Const
	{Protectron to spawn when created}
	ActorValue Property ProtectronPodStatus Auto Mandatory Const
	{Protectron's pod status actor value}
group Linking
	Keyword Property PodLinkKW Auto Mandatory Const
	{Protectron to protectron pod link keyword}
	Keyword Property TerminalProtectronPodLinkKW Auto Mandatory Const ; Safe to terminal link keyword
	{Protectron Pod to terminal linking keyword}
ActorValue Property MiscStatRobotHasBeenDisabled Auto Mandatory Const
ProtectronScript Property ProtectronRef Auto Hidden

;	Temporary debug redirection
function Trace (string asTextToPrint, int aiSeverity = 0)
	Debug.Trace ("ProtectronPodWorkshopScript - " + asTextToPrint, aiSeverity)

;	Local remote protectron wakeup
function WakeUp ()
	if (IsDead ())
	if (ProtectronRef.GetValue (ProtectronPodStatus) == 1)
	Trace ("Wake up protectron: " + ProtectronRef)
	ProtectronRef.busy = true
	ProtectronRef.SetValue (ProtectronPodStatus, 1)
	ProtectronRef.Activate (self)
	ProtectronRef.EvaluatePackage ()

;	Local remote protectron shutdown
function ShutDown ()
	if (IsDead ())
	if (ProtectronRef.GetValue (ProtectronPodStatus) == 0)
	Trace ("Shut down protectron: " + ProtectronRef)	
	ProtectronRef.busy = true
	ProtectronRef.SetValue (ProtectronPodStatus, 0)
	ProtectronRef.Activate (self)
	ProtectronRef.EvaluatePackage ()
	if (ProtectronRef.GetValue (MiscStatRobotHasBeenDisabled) == 0)
		Game.IncrementStat ("Robots Disabled", 1)
		ProtectronRef.SetValue (MiscStatRobotHasBeenDisabled, 1)

;	Returns if wether this pod got destroyed
;	or the protectron is dead, disabled or
;	deleted / markfordelete
bool function IsDead ()
	if (ProtectronRef == none) ; No protectron ref at all
		return (true)
	return (IsDestroyed () == true || ProtectronRef.IsDead () || ProtectronRef.IsDisabled () || ProtectronRef.IsDeleted ())

;	(Re)Spawns the actual protectron
function SpawnProtectron ()
	; Handle Protectron ref
	ProtectronRef = PlaceAtMe (ProtectronForm, 1, true, true) as ProtectronScript ; Spawns a initially disabled protectron
	if (ProtectronRef == none)
		Trace ("Error: Protectron ref could not be placed", 2)
	; Linking...
	ProtectronRef.SetLinkedRef (self, PodLinkKW)
	SetLinkedRef (ProtectronRef, PodLinkKW)
	RegisterForRemoteEvent (ProtectronRef, "OnDying") ; Register the ref for dying event
	ProtectronRef.BlockActivation (true, false) ; Block activation to prevent pickpocket and loot
	ProtectronRef.Enable () ; Every setting has been applied - now enable the ref
	; Wait for 3D loading...
	ProtectronRef.WaitFor3DLoad ()
	WaitFor3DLoad ()
	; Then force it into furniture
	ProtectronRef.SnapIntoInteraction (self)
	; Get potential linked terminal
	MaxLockWorkshopTerminals:WorkshopTerminal TerminalRef = GetLinkedRef (TerminalProtectronPodLinkKW) as MaxLockWorkshopTerminals:WorkshopTerminal
	; Update protectron status if possible
	if (TerminalRef)
		TerminalRef.SetProtectronStatus (TerminalRef.ProtectronStatus)

;	Delete the protectron when stored / recycled
event OnWorkshopObjectDestroyed (ObjectReference akReference)
	ProtectronRef.Delete ()
;	Update sleeping protectron position when moved
event OnWorkshopObjectMoved (ObjectReference akReference)
	if (ProtectronRef.GetValue (ProtectronPodStatus) == 0)
		ProtectronRef.MoveTo (self)
;	"Repair" the protectron ref when repaired
event OnWorkshopObjectRepaired (ObjectReference akReference)
	if (ProtectronRef == none)
		SpawnProtectron ()

;	If the protectron has been killed, the protectron pod
;	gets destroyed and has to be repaired
event Actor.OnDying (Actor akSender, Actor akKiller)
	SetDestroyed ()
	UnregisterForRemoteEvent (akSender, "OnDying")
	ProtectronRef = none
	akSender.DeleteWhenAble ()
;	Spawns the initial protectron ref
event OnWorkshopObjectPlaced (ObjectReference akReference)
	SpawnProtectron ()


Modified ProtectronSleepInsidePodPKG







[01/18/2017 - 09:28:59AM] ProtectronPodWorkshopScript - Wake up protectron: [protectronscript < (FF000E3B)>]
[01/18/2017 - 09:28:59AM] ProtectronSleepInsidePodPKG - On Change
[01/18/2017 - 09:29:12AM] ProtectronPodWorkshopScript - Shut down protectron: [protectronscript < (FF000E3B)>]
[01/18/2017 - 09:29:14AM] [protectronscript < (FF000E3B)>] is running package ProtectronSleepInsidePodPKG
[01/18/2017 - 09:29:14AM] LinkedRef: [MaxLockWorkshopTerminals:ProtectronPodWorkshopScript < (FF0011CB)>]
[01/18/2017 - 09:29:14AM] IsUnconscious: False
[01/18/2017 - 09:29:14AM] IsAIEnabled: True



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