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CBBE (and other assorted mods)


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Now I am relatively new to modding in general because I didn't have Oblivion available to me for modding on PC (I had it on 360) so this is all rather new to me. I am curious as to whether or not on a few certain topics:


1. When the SDK comes out, are the CBBE mods and other assorted armors going to be merged or something similar? Because there are such a wide array of physical alteration mods now (bigger chests, hips, butts, etc and other changes to bodies) and because of the fact that the armors don't follow this route without their own mod, this is troublesome. It's rather difficult to match Mod A with Armor Mod A and so forth.


2. If this isn't going to happen (I don't have experience so I don't know if this is status quo) then does anyone know if someone would compile the armor and body mods so that they are easily find-able? I don't mind doing the footwork, it is just rather confusing and difficult to find all the correct armor mods and such when they need to conform to a specific body mod of my choosing.



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