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WASD to Scroll the Pipboy menu?


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I'm at a loss, because it seems I'm the only person on the planet who likes using WASD to go up and down the Pip-boy menu, as opposed to it changing menu tabs in vanilla. I can't seem to find ANY mods that help to rebind just these functions, and any mods I've found who incorporate that functionality in their mod also change too much else catastrophically.


My right hand is on the mouse and my left hand hovers near WASD, as is the norm. But when i open the Pip-boy, in order to scroll down the menus i HAVE to use the mouse, which is slow by comparison for ever so slight changes like a change of apparel or using a consumable, OR move my hand to the arrow keys.


Slightly unrelated, but when in workshop mode, this is mostly subverted because WASD move you, but shift+WASD scroll the workshop menu. I love it.


Using a controller must be switched in the menu. This gets annoying in situations where i need the better precision of a mouse in combat, or when i need the immersive precision physical character movement possible with the controller. With a controller even, in the menu, your movement keys scroll the list and not the tabs, so why does the keyboard do it too?


I'm guessing the intended purpose was to have your keyboard hand *compliment* your mouse hand so you use both in the Pip-boy, instead of just one.


I honestly just want W and S to go up and down the list of items instead of switching the master tabs up top. I very much enjoy, or at least tolerate, everything else where it is.


Am I the only one on the internet who misses this feature from ALL of the previous Bethesda games?

Edited by EveBishop
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