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So I married a Vampire


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I used to console to marry Alva before i did any of the Morthal quests. Told her we could live in her house and when i open the door to our new house she is cooking by the fire and all she will say to me is "now i must kill you". she never attacks me or anything just keeps stirring the pot.


talk about a short honeymoon.

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lol what cheat are u using for marriage?


I just did the addfac thing for marriage and follower.


she had been following me for a long time but i was bored in riften so i thought i would see what happened at a wedding. other than a naked lydia showing up it was pretty lame.


i am hoping i just have to find her outside of our new lovenest and then she wont want to kill me.


I lost the another good follower Annaka? the crag jumper? to the blades.


i tried to turn sapphire into a follower but she never gave me the follow me line.

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