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Mods are not gonna be for free ?


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When will people realize that Steam is simply a parasitic entity. It takes and offers really nothing in return. Never mind the "great offers" a company can still do "great offers" from a website you don't have to have a parasitic piece of software using resources attached to the game software to do this. Now they are showing their true colors again.


But don't worry it's OK, all you have to do is tick the box that says "No I don't want my mod stolen and used and sold, giving me a token fee, and destroying the concept of the modding community all together".

Edited by dereko
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When will people realize that Steam is simply a parasitic entity. It takes and offers really nothing in return. Never mind the "great offers" a company can still do "great offers" from a website you don't have to have a parasitic piece of software using resources attached to the game software to do this. Now they are showing their true colors again.


Statements like this make me sick. You offer nothing but oppinion and emotionally weighted statements, skewed information and venomous bile.


I ahve never, in my life, seen an offer on any game companies webside for 50% off sales. Even then, can you buy games through the IP holder and play them within minutes? Can you access them anywhere? How about how Steam allows people in otherwise rural areas to still enjoy games?


Back when TV networks were rearing their heads, acting as middle men to deliver regional programming to wider and wider audiences, people had the same bile filled remarks. Guess what? TV is now more accessable than it was with community broadcasts.


Steam fulfils a very pointed role, and offers a great deal in return. In exchange, it maintains the RIGHT to profit off their services. They rarely choose to exercise that right, but it is still theirs.

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Lachdonin is no troll here, he just gives his opinion, which he has the right to.

And I like Steam as well. I mean, sometimes even 90 % off of prices?! That is awesome. And you don't really have to use it, so why hate on it?


well yeah its optional, but you have to understand how people can get upset at Steam when they try to pull something so low.

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Maybe they're considering introducing premium mods in addition, as another option. If doesn't do well, then no worries and it will go away. If it does well, then maybe it's not so bad because that means a lot of people like it. I can't see it working unless they then offered the original game for free and only charged for premium content. Or subscription, maybe. So much could happen, or not much at all. Machinima made my head spin trying to follow the history of DoTa, all the free mods that took off and evolved and how modders went to companies and implemented some successful some not business models and on it still goes...
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Lachdonin is no troll here, he just gives his opinion, which he has the right to.

And I like Steam as well. I mean, sometimes even 90 % off of prices?! That is awesome. And you don't really have to use it, so why hate on it?


well yeah its optional, but you have to understand how people can get upset at Steam when they try to pull something so low.


I understand that, but I don't think it's right to hate on every bit of Steam just because of that. And, if everyone hates it, their 'try' won't really work out. Personally, I wouldn't pay and I'd never make people pay for a mod.

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Wouldn't happen to work for steam do you? You have no idea what you are talking about I wonder if there are clouds in your sky. Let me tell you a bit about myself. I've bin in the modding community based on your maturity probably longer than you've been alive.


I am one of the original people to contribute to the "better bodies mod" for Morrowind. I was the organizer and directed the better clothing mod for Morrowind, I modded some of the first clothing for Better bodies and contributed a large percentage of the meshes. I've made mods with over 100,000 download for Oblivion. And have been mesh modeling for over 10 years. What have you done??? other than troll the websites stating ridiculous statements on how wonderful steam is.

Edited by dereko
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well yeah its optional, but you have to understand how people can get upset at Steam when they try to pull something so low.


Are they trying to 'pull something so low' or is it just a legal caluse to cover their asses in the future? Its a lot harder to put something like that into an amended lisence agreement later than to include it up front in the eventuallity that you may need it in the future.


For instance, if you read the user agreement for WoW, SWtOR, Rift of WAR, they all state that the company has no responsible for recovering any data lost due to compromised accounts in which it is the customers computer which was the point of entry. IE, if you have a keylogger, and get your account hacked because of it, they don't have to restore your stuff. They do it anyway, but they are not contractually required to do so.

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