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robertduffy - Formal warning issued

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robertduffy has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Insulting mod authors and other members with severe vulgarity.



why can no one make a good female preset they are all f*** ugly and have faces the size of a horse or a spoon and if not that they are just anime as f*** because thats really what i want in my fallout and this for the love of god that is not Lara that is a 40 pushing 50 year old women with crows feet are you f***ing blind

Dissatisfaction with a mod author's work doesn't give anyone the right to respond in a rude, disrespectful manner. If you do not like what the mod author has produced then either:


- Provide polite, respectful feedback

- Pass in silence





This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here, here, here




Restrictions in place

As part of the warning, robertduffy has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 7 days




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