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Active Effects On Screen Icons?


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This is taking a page out of most other games that have temporary active effects, in that, I'd love to see icons with a count down timer on the game play screen showing what things are currently in effect.


For instance, it'd be great to have a Muffle icon with a count down timer on top of it, so you don't have to keep track of when it's going to wear off by yourself. Likewise, other effects like poison, or other diseases you get would be nice to be indicated onscreen in a similar fashion (with or without a timer). I constantly am getting diseases and not even knowing it until townspeople mention that "I look sick".


If such a mod already exists, my apologies in advance. Thanks!

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Bump. Is anyone else interested in something like this? I haven't created any mods for Bethesda games before, but have a lot of experience making add-ons for other games and applications, so if anyone is interested, I may take a stab at this one, if no one else wants to tackle it.
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Bump. Is anyone else interested in something like this? I haven't created any mods for Bethesda games before, but have a lot of experience making add-ons for other games and applications, so if anyone is interested, I may take a stab at this one, if no one else wants to tackle it.


It wouldn't hurt to have it ...as long as it could be switched off.....like as a vampire it would always be showing neg fire res...and ya do get a message that "vampire seduction is on" which i then know that neg fire res has increased ...guess i'm tryin' to say that ya can play it by "feel" and that some peeps like "not knowing" where others would.


In anycase where would you display it ?....possibly on the top right corner ?. tc.

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