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Archive Invalidation not functioning, Lutana NVSE not loading, white filter over interior exteriors.


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I am currently on Windows 10 and am having weapons, floor and male chest texture not displaying properly. I assume this is due to archive invalidation. I am using Mod Organizer and have automatic archive invalidation on and it doesn't seem to be working.


Lutana's extension I don't know why it isn't loading as I installed it manually into the plugins folder but it seems to just not load. I have both MO and FNV folder structures writable and running as admin doesn't change anything.


The White filter might have something to do with Realistic Wasteland Lighting but the passage of time seemed to fix it and I don't know if it'll happen again.


Here is an album showing the things that I see: http://imgur.com/a/Ytqqi


Here is my Load Order, straight from MO:

# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm
ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm
Tales from the Burning Sands.esm
ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm
The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm
More Perks.esm
Afterschool Special.esm
JIP Selective-Fire.esm
Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm
YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating.esp
JIP Companions Command & Control.esp
JIP Improved Recipe Menu.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
CASM with MCM.esp
Centered 3rd Person Camera.esp
Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp
Vurt's WFO.esp
Cut Content Merged.esp
YUP - Gameplay Tweaks.esp
Tweaks and Fixes.esp
JSawyer Ultimate.esp
Water Overhaul.esp
Water Overhaul - JSawyer Ultimate.esp
VATS Alternative - Bullet Time.esp
Improved Sound FX Merged.esp
Nights are Darker - Ultimate Edition.esp
ILO - D.E.I.M.O.S.esp
Small Gameplay Mods.esp
FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - Enhanced.esp
OWB-Path Lights - Darker Nights.esp
OWB-Path Lights.esp
ADAM Complete.esp
Convenient Fast Travel Markers.esp
Distributed Necklaces and Chains.esp
Quest Item Hider.esp
Simple Reputation and Disguises.esp
Saints & Sinners.esp
ILO - New Vegas Bounties II.esp
ILO - New Vegas Bounties.esp
ILO - YUP Patch.esp
Reload Sounds.esp
NVDLC04 Allegiance w Duster.esp
Ranger Armor Fixes.esp
OldWorldBlues - Keep Big MT Active.esp
Gun Runners Arsenal Merged.esp
BLEEDNV - Final.esp
Real Recoil.esp
I don't know what to do and any help is much obliged.
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If MO now has "automatic ArchiveInvalidation" (last I knew it didn't but I don't use it myself), but it doesn't seem to be working, then try toggling it off and then back on. If that clears it up, report the issue to MO support and manually toggle AI every time you add or remove mods with texture/mesh changes.


Don't use TTW mods or patches if you don't have TTW loaded. They are not interchangeable with the vanilla FNV game.


Lutana's NVSE extension requires NVSE. Do you have that installed? If so, see "Checklist item #4" in the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide on enabling the "game error log". Then try again and check out that log for errors.


Run through that checklist to help narrow down possible sources of your problem. The rest of that article covers common problems and solutions. (For instance: whenever I see neatly grouped plugins alphabetical by name I wonder if the "load order" has been sorted.)



Edited by dubiousintent
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If MO now has "automatic ArchiveInvalidation" (last I knew it didn't but I don't use it myself), but it doesn't seem to be working, then try toggling it off and then back on. If that clears it up, report the issue to MO support and manually toggle AI every time you add or remove mods with texture/mesh changes.


Don't use TTW mods or patches if you don't have TTW loaded. They are not interchangeable with the vanilla FNV game.


Lutana's NVSE extension requires NVSE. Do you have that installed? If so, see "Checklist item #4" in the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide on enabling the "game error log". Then try again and check out that log for errors.


Run through that checklist to help narrow down possible sources of your problem. The rest of that article covers common problems and solutions. (For instance: whenever I see neatly grouped plugins alphabetical by name I wonder if the "load order" has been sorted.)



Did everything and nothing has changed, however I fixed the wrong compatibility patch so sorry about that oversight. As for my Load Order I have runned through it multiple times with LOOT and MO's sorting. I can't find my problems on the list you sent, however the text log is giving out a bunch of compilation errors and I don't know how those can be fixed.


Do you want to see the error log and if so where can I dump it?

Edited by TheDarkPR101
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Now that you have logging enabled, you need to check the following logs (in the game root folder) for your particular problem with Lutana's extension:

falloutnv_error.log (for general errors)

nvse.log (for "checking plugin" line errors, to confirm lutana plugin is loading)

lutana_nvse.log (for any errors)


Script compilation errors are something for the mod author to fix, unless you are able and want to try to produce a "patch file" for each mod that is producing the errors. And those are usually "warnings" that something isn't going to work correctly but won't usually cause a CTD. What you need to look for are going to be lines that begin with "Error: " (with or without the colon). IF the message is along the lines of "could not find file", that will cause problems with the mod but is not likely to produce a CTD either.


Anything else, copy from the line above to the line below the error line, and put them together with the very top of the log where it identifies version and system data, and paste here in "spoiler tags". (Use the "Special BBCode" button in the Forum "Reply" menu bar; the third icon from the left in the top row, next to and left of the "Font" pick-list field.) Use separate "spoiler tags" for each log file. Otherwise the logs are likely to be too large to post. Note that the information helping to identify which plugin is producing that error is likely to be many lines above that error line. If it is not obvious from the error line, then all I will be able to tell you is which lines are likely to be causing a problem but not which plugin has the problem. So, sooner or later you will have to work out the plugin in question for yourself. If you can identify the plugin and put that data in with the error message, it will speed things along.


-Dubious- [Edit: expanded last paragraph instructions.]

Edited by dubiousintent
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I had a heck of a time getting Invalidation to work with MO and FNV. Finally found some post on TTW forums plus other stuff I did and now it works.

1. In MO Settings, 'Workarounds' uncheck 'Force-enable game files'

2. Turn Auto invalidation in the profile OFF

3. Get a copy of Fallout - AI!.bsa (From FOMM or NMM) and copy it to your data directory

4. Go to the 'Archives' tab in the right MO window. Make sure MO is managing BSA files. Move the AI!.bas to the top.

Other things I did-probably redundant:

Change the fallout ini and pref files load archive line:

SArchiveList=Fallout - AI!.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices1.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa

Something I never tried before but looks like it works also:

1. In MO Settings, 'Workarounds' uncheck 'Force-enable game files'

2. Turn Auto invalidation in the profile ON

3. Go to the 'Archives' tab in the right MO window. Make sure MO is managing BSA files. Move the Fallout - Invalidation.bsa to the top of the archive list.
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I had a heck of a time getting Invalidation to work with MO and FNV. Finally found some post on TTW forums plus other stuff I did and now it works.



I did everything you said and It didn't work so I removed all texture mods to see if the problem persisted and it did. I think the issue might be with my gun meshes. Specifically the ones that my character uses as the texture weirdness doesn't happen to NPCs.


Now that you have logging enabled, you need to check the following logs (in the game root folder) for your particular problem with Lutana's extension:

falloutnv_error.log (for general errors)

nvse.log (for "checking plugin" line errors, to confirm lutana plugin is loading)

lutana_nvse.log (for any errors)

Ok here's what I beleive to be the full extent of the error. It seems that I might be having problems with My 1st Person reanimation. I it down so that the repetition of the error could be seen. As for NVSE and Lutana it seems to be loading just fine and it leads me to belive that it might be a problem with the Mod itself, I believe this is the case due to RealRecoils.esp working when it requires NVSE, JIP and Lutana. I'll check the Lazarus Project comments and see if anyone else has the same issue.



----=============TARGET RESET===============----

DEFAULT: Radio station exterior position ref '' (4104950A) is not placed in an exterior.

DEFAULT: Radio station exterior position ref '' (410B781A) is not placed in an exterior.

... This repeats multiple linesdown...

DEFAULT: Radio station exterior position ref '' (410B781A) is not placed in an exterior.

DEFAULT: Radio station exterior position ref '' (410AB86F) is not placed in an exterior.

DEFAULT: Radio station exterior position ref '' (410AB891) is not placed in an exterior.

DEFAULT: Radio station exterior position ref '' (410AB881) is not placed in an exterior.

DEFAULT: Radio station exterior position ref '' (410AB872) is not placed in an exterior.

DEFAULT: Radio station exterior position ref '' (41049534) is not placed in an exterior.

DEFAULT: Radio station exterior position ref '' (410B7823) is not placed in an exterior.

DEFAULT: Radio station exterior position ref '' (410AA9FB) is not placed in an exterior.

DEFAULT: Radio station exterior position ref '' (410AA9F5) is not placed in an exterior.

DEFAULT: Radio station exterior position ref '' (410AA706) is not placed in an exterior.

DEFAULT: Radio station exterior position ref '' (410B782E) is not placed in an exterior.

DEFAULT: Radio station exterior position ref '' (0E0567DE) is not placed in an exterior.

ANIMATION: Morph Error - Controller count not the same.


'Characters\_1stPerson\Locomotion\1hpfastforward.kf' has 6 controllers and


'Characters\_1stPerson\Locomotion\1hpfastright.kf' has 5 on 'Scene Root'.


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Suspect you are on the right track now. If Lutana and NVSE are loading then the issue is indeed going to be with the mod or a conflict between mods. Try loading suspect mods together in FNVEdit and see which records report conflicts.


Those "radio station" errors are in mine as well and don't cause any particular problems ... certainly nothing like yours.



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