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Question about the Sneak Attack multiplier (and if there's any way to show it other than hitting someone).


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All right, I've done something silly again, somehow. For fun, I tried making a small hidden perk that would boost melee sneak attack damage if your weapon has the keyword for Stabbing animations.


Firstly, I have applied the fix for Ninja, Sandman, and Cloak such that the order you get them doesn't matter; and that they cover all weapons properly such that all melee get the melee bonus, not ranged.


As I understand it, the baseline Melee sneak attack bonus is 3x. Ninja 1 makes this 4x.


My perk uses an entry point of Mod Sneak Attack Mult, and the function Add Actor Value Mult to use Agility * 0.33.


With an agility of 7 and Ninja 1, I would expect to wind up with a sneak attack mult of 4 + (7 * 0.33) = 6.31

But the message I got in game when executing an attack said it was 7.1.... that seems a bit beyond a rounding error...


What have I misunderstood?


(The goal would be to restrict this extra Agility-based bonus to traditional game-"backstab" weapons, especially knives, but ideally be compatible with any mod-added knife, like [bowie Knives by MikeMoore](http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12872). I'm using the StabAnimation keyword presently. Swords and machetes have this too, but it's the only keyword I can think of that would almost certainly be on any mod-added stabbing weapon...)


I feel like a trained combatant with a knife sneaking up on you in the dark should be at *least* as effective a sneak attack as charging up with a rocket-powered cinderblock on a stick.

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