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[LE] How do you create compatibility patches?


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Are there any guides for creating compatibility patches with the Creation Kit?


For example I want to create a patch for two mods:


The Great Forest of Whiterun Hold (WhiterunHoldForest.esp)

ETAC (Immersive Whiterun.esp to be exact)


Both essential mods for my Skyrim but there are some conflicts:


Some trees are sticking through houses, etc.

Some land edits make house corners float in mid-air.

Some bits and pieces float in the air.


One of the patches does help with the first issue but not with the other two.


In any case, I create a new esp, set it as active and also load the other required ESPs/ESMs into the Creation Kit. then I make the edits, drop things to the floor, move trees, edit landmasses, etc. Then go in-game and the edits are not there! Load order, etc. is all taken care of.


Some objects seem to have duplicated even. It seems they are now still in the original ESP but also in my new esp (but none of them are on the floor).


What part am I missing in getting this right?


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If your doing a patch for a mod which is an esp you must make it an esm (set the header to esm in tesvedit) before making any changes to it in your patch esp otherwise any changes will not be saved. The mod your patching can be un-esmed after your done .
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One more question though:


There's some placed grass and small stones that float in the air at some places and I want to remove them. But they can't be selected like other geometry so I wonder how can they be removed? I've heard the landscape paint tool is used for it but I can only paint textures with that one.

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