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First Person FOV 90 issue - Odd Protrusion


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Hey all


I'm having an issue with certain weapons when my FOV is set to 90. see the pic below. As you can see it's part of my character, though I'm not 100% sure which part, it looks skin coloured. This only shows while I am crouching and have a gun pointed forward, more importantly only with certain guns. The gun in the pic is the R91m from here on the Nexus. But it's afflicting one or two others too. So far I've only tried removing the CBBE and the files with it, and any files that I found in my meshes folder that modify the 1stperson meshes. I also do use Unique Player.


Either way, I am unsure if this is just a common issue when using custom FOV settings with modded weapons, as setting my FOV lower or back to default (which is awful) hides the protrusions, or if this is something unique to my setup.





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Well, first, 90 FOV just puts more work on the render engine & texture streaming component, add that with a bunch of other things people do wrong makes it a pretty large issue caused by several of almost endless options. The clip you see, is a lack of design control in the 3D assets. Namely that .nif set up right would cull (make it disappear) all the parts of the 1st person view that were not necessary for the scene (think human crotch) why? Because F*** it, that's why (No Offense To Any Young & Sensitive Types) 90 FOV isn't supported, as seen from a 3D asset that clipped into the 1st person camera by the player body/clothing/weapon in other words, no reason to test that view & subsequently edit that particular build of the character to use the hard coding for culled assets in .nif form by a camera switch between 3rd/1st person with less an less ARMS01 poly. Then again, if you ask me, I would just fix it by texturing the inside of the players body to be bloody messy gore followed by a particle effect of super gross & excessive drips of blood down the screen that would eventually pool up an cover the whole display thus making the game unplayable.

Edited by PocketKnife256
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