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Summerset Isles


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Once the creation kit comes out I am planning on making a new guild and maybe some missions to build a functional airship and things along that line, as well as a small kingdom and some Victorian style stuff. But then I was wondering if anyone has thought of making a summerset isles mod. I am not the best modder past the idea stage, I have used geck and have a basic understanding but lack skills in modelling and exporting and only have mediocre texture skills. Summerset Isles from what I've read all over the internet isn't a place people go if they aren't altmer. Summerset Isles could become opened to certain people if they have the dominions trust. I also conceived the idea of disguises. I truly loved the disguise factor in New Vegas. I was thinking that maybe there could be a special mask like in Drizzt (books series) that lets you disguise yourself as someone else. Maybe as a enemy of the dominion you could potentially destroy/attack/conquer summerset isles, or some islands nearby. You could travel there by boat or airship. I though it might be interesting because there is a lot of roam to invent what you please.
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