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Couple Ideas


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I've been playing skyrim for a wwhile now, and like many others have seen the obvious drawbacks to many aspects of the game. Here I shall list a few major issues, listed in an outline for your convenience.



1.Werewolves & Vampires

A. Lycanthropy, being restricted to only members of the Circle( after two or three quests:O), is as unrewarding as it feels it should be after running two errands to become one. Now, I believe it is completely oversimplified, as almost everything is in Skyrim, however, this is not my complaint. First off, Diseases still show up, despite 100% poison resistance from shrouded armor and 100% disease resistance from lycanthropy. On to my personal pet peeve...


B. Vampirism, while in oblivion was a complete death sentence in sun or shade, Is a little better in skyrim. Still, it has a few key flaws.

-No Sneak attacks

-No Sneaking Spells( elaboration following)

-Horrible Bonuses

-Barely any visual impact, just eyes and stretch marks on the face

-No transformation

-No running speed boost (to be addressed more later)

-You get weaker when you feed, and stronger when you fast. (por que?!)

_No Unarmed boost ( is there?)

-More later



2. Running


Anyone ever been upset that you, the mighty Dovahkiin, Defeater of Alduin( if you're cool:-)) have to have a horse in order to get anywhere fast? IMHO, one should be able to run faster than a horse WITHOUT using whirlwind shout, because you DID kill Alduin and are the ONLY LIVING DRAGONBORN. I propose, and will attempt to make, a. bat to increase running speed per level and, optionally, main quest completed. An enchantment, probably called fleet-footed, would increase running speed as well. Also, sprinting. Werewolf sprinting, IMHO, is awesome. However, while not transed, you have almost no benefits to being a lycan. This problem could be addressed by, say, every something or other level( Skill tree needs some revamping) making the animation for untransed werewolf running a biiit more bestial. and fast. Vampirism would be similar, probably.


3. Mage Thieves and the like

A. None of the classes can mix at all. You can only Max one skill tree, and a little of another. Kinda sad. Also, other than one handed and sneak, and marksman and sneak, none of the skills intertwine. Alchemy and pickpocket could maybe be considered a mix. barely. Warrior-mages, Mage-thieves, and warrior-thieves should be possible. Sooooo,

-Sneaking Spells

-Sneak Bonuses to Two Handed

-Physical damage Spells

-Invisibility more than touched on by illusion

-Remote Killspells




More to come :-D

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