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CTD sometimes when walking around certain areas, also often CTD on menu opening after having seen colourful polygons in menu.


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Sorry if I'm unclear, though I've been modding for a while I've untill recently not been using ENB or ENBoost, so i'm a little clueless in that regard.

The problem: First I'll outline the two issues and what I've done to try and fix them.

Menu opening CTD: I've done all the reccomended .ini fixes i could find (i'll post my .ini texts at the bottom), and they don't help with this, though they fixed some other issues. Setting Safetyload to only activate on loading fixes the issue, but replaces it with my game permafreezing instantly after loading 70-80% of the time.

Walking around CTD: Ok maybe a misnomer as i feel (no actual numbers/evidence) that it happens more often when running but regardless, i have the issue that the game crashes when walking around certain areas, the most problematic areas have been in and around solitude (no issue when near Thalmor embassy, but as i approach the cliffs down to the road to solitude, the game almost always crashes, suspect the issue is local to the area around the EIC docks, eg. solitude, road to solitude, but not embassy. That said it also happens circa 100m past katlia's farm along the main road out of solitude, so idk.) and around Whiterun (Crashes here are less frequent and half the time their when i try and loot a corpse (WZ installed, see modlist). I've no clue what to do as all google answers relate to loading screen crashes, not loading issues while in the world. I don't use cellstabiliser, nor do i know exactly what it is, but from the name i thought it worth mentioning. For graphics i use COT winter version, imaginator, and the you won't believe it's not ENB mod.

Specs: Here I'll list, in this order, my computer specs, my modlist (which will unfortunately not include anything which didn't show in LOOT, though i tried to mention them all above), and the text of my .ini's.

Windows: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1

Processor: Intel Core i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz

RAM: 8gb

OS: 64bt

Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 560

Graphics memory availiable: 4095 according to windows but vramtestsize from enb says 4032 video memory. Acording to windows there's 1024mb dedicated graphics momory. Am using Directx10.

Mod List/Load Order


mygames/skyrim skyrimprefs.ini I use both as there might be differences, idk

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Legacy of the Dragonborn's author suggests for you not to use FNIS or animations, you have both. It also touches on nearly every aspect of the game, so who knows what other mods could be conflicting in a small or even large way. This I'd say is likely your culprit. If you still want to use it, make sure your FNIS, animations, and any skeleton you use are at the very bottom of your load order. Only items LOOT sets to come after them should do so.


Also, make sure you utilize the Crash Fixes mod and maybe use a script cleaner to see if there are any crazy scripts running.

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I'll try the load order changes, because FNIS is needed for quite a few things. I was, and once the changes are made will again be, using a clean save every time i make changes. (untill it's stable)


I'll also try the Crash fixes mod.



Edited by krakpot
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