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More player homes?


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After running around most of Skyrim, I can't help but notice all the prime locations that would be great for new player homes. The area near Alma's Shack next to Riverwood would be great for a standalone home, something maybe simple but nice and functional. Another one i really can't seem to stay away from is Traitor's Post outside of Windhelm. It is a wrecked house and a bandit outpost but I can't help but see some serious potential for an overhaul on it as something along the lines of a mountain getaway type deal. Something maybe similar to the Overlook Tower mod but something more towards just a mansion type exterior not so much a castle tower. Another spot on the coast in between Winterhold and Dawnstar, something built into the ice maybe with some crazy wood structuring inside? The list can go on and on, but it is always nice to hear more ideas. Anybody else have ideas for good modded player homes?


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Bben46, Moderator

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