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Skyrim SE mods absolutely refuse to work


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Pretty much as the title says... I have 14 mods installed for Skyrim SE, and only a small few actually work. Some of them are just texture mods from the original game that I imported manually(I've heard from multiple people that they got them working by doing this), and others are actual SE mods directly from the mod page.


When I launch the game, they just don't show up. I exit, and Nexus shows them as still enabled. If I restart Nexus, almost all of them will show as disabled and I have to re-enable them.

A lot of the ones that won't stay enabled are mods I imported by hand, but there are also other mods I have that are made for SE that just won't load either. I honestly have no idea why it's doing it. I've re-installed them completely countless times, but none of them are working.


Here's the list of mods;


aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Armour, Weapons, Unique Items, Creatures - None work, not ported to SE

Beards - Beards 4K Resolution - Doesn't work, ported to SE

Better Embers - Doesn't work, not ported to SE

Celtic Music in Skyrim - SE - Celtic Music In Skyrim SE - Works

Climates of Tamriel-SE - Sorta works, ported to SE

Enhanced Night Skyrim v04 Aquamarine Galaxy - Doesn't work, not ported to SE

Kill The Orchestra SE - As far as I can tell, this one works, ported to SE

Natural Eyes - Doesn't work, not ported to SE

Skyrim Flora Overhaul SE - Doesn't work, ported to SE

Static Mesh Improvement Mods - Some meshes work, ported to SE

Superior Lore-friendly Hair HD 2K - Doesn't work, not ported to SE


So most of the mods that don't work are just manually imported into Nexus, but they're just texture mods, so they should work, and many others have managed to get it to work. Flora Overhaul, SMIM, and Beards are all made for SE and downloaded through NMM, but they don't work. I have absolutely no idea why it's doing this.

Edited by TheOCDninja
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texture / mesh mods are not supposed to show in game only plugins can bee seen. Remember that meshes from the old game are not compatible with the new one you need to convert them. Even a good amount textures is not compatible you need to redo the height-maps. And obviously plugins need to be converted using the CK.

Edited by Project579
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