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Invisible mod items


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So I'm having some issues with settlement, clothing, and weapon mod items not being visible in-game. I know that plenty of threads already exists about this and I've followed the advise given on them to the best of my abilities without finding a working solution to my problem. So I'm kind of at my wits end and to ask for help is really the only thing I can think to do.


Now I suppose it should be said that I'm really new to this (I've been playing around with mods for 2-3 days now I guess) and that I'm not very skilled with computers in general, so when I say that I've tried to the best of my abilities I mean that I've had to follow advise blindly since I don't know enough about different file-types and how games actually run to make any informed decisions independently, and because of that it is possible that there is something I've misunderstood. That said, I've really tried to learn and to figure this out with the information I've been able to find online and I've been going over the instructions to each possible solution multiple times to try and figure out if there's anything I've missed.


As far as I've been able to make out from what I've read (please do correct me if I am wrong) the issue lies with the game (or launcher?) not being able to find or access the textures, meshes, and materials files in my 'fallout 4/data' folder, despite all files seemingly being where they should be. Could anyone tell me how to go about solving this problem?


So far here's what I've tried:


1. Removing the mod completely (not just disabling it) from the NMM and making sure to have the latest version of NMM installed before reinstalling the mod.


2. Checking that all the plug-ins in the plugin.txt file are present and have an asterisk in front of them when the launcher is running.


3. Enabling mods by by making sure following is in the Fallout4Custom.ini:

[Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=

4. Adding following to Fallout4Custom.ini:



5. Adding following to Fallout4_Default:




6. Downloading "Loot" to optimize running order.


7. Installing mods manually by following the nexus wiki page: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation






That's about all I could find to do. I'd really need some help with this and any reply is appreciated.




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To start, your steps 3-5 didn't follow the instructions given at the link you posted: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation. What you did for 3-5 is outdated information. Follow the actual instructions at that link, it has the current information on how to enable mods correctly.


The latest versions of NMM are really bad about not properly installing and activating mods. Unfortunately they've also stopped supporting it while they work on a new one from scratch. I suggest either switching to a somewhat older, more stable version of NMM or switching to Mod Organizer 2 which has recently started receiving support again with a new developer.
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Thank you for the quick reply!


I know that the first steps listed had nothing to do with the instructions in the link on step 7. The earlier steps were separate advice I found on different forum posts which I tried out before coming across the wiki (I suppose I might've started off trying out the last resort options unknowingly). Many of the forum posts mentioned fallout 4 patch 1.5, so I suspected the information might've been outdated. It's good to have it confirmed.


I'll try out your suggestions and see how it goes. It's great to have something new to try, I where completely out of ideas.


Thanks again, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me.

Edited by Styx073
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So look at it this way. MO (if it has no 64 bit support don't use it with Fallout 4), MO2 (which has 64 bit support), and now NMM all use some kind of Symlink or virtual folder. Meaning the information or files never physically exist in your Data folder. I suggest you pick a way to install your mods and stick with it or you will be pulling your hair out trying to solve a situation that isn't going to resolve itself and a situation you can't fix because too many things are controlling your data folder in ways you can't control.


When troubleshooting something you should preform one step and view the results, if you make 10 changes how do you know what's going on. I normally do not feel reinstalling Fallout 4 is a viable option because you never know what fixed your error. However, I don't really see what you can do to fix things because as you have stated, some things are not showing up that ware there previously, and you have two programs now adding things to your data folder using links or virtual folders.


Don't start this hopping somehow it will magically work. Don't do this unless you are comfortable doing it and until you read it multiple times and are okay doing it. if you mess up half way through and have to start over I can't help! Nothing should ever be missing in game unless the mod manager didn't install it correctly, the mod has missing files, you didn't install the required files. If you don't want to do it at all that's fine.




1. Uninstall all mods using Mod Organizer.

2. Uninstall all mods showing in NMM

3. Uninstall Fallout 4 using Steam which in steam is called "Delete Local game Content" which is under properties, local files for Fallout 4.

4. Manually delete the old Fallout 4 folder.

5. Go into Steam and make sure you have a location to install Fallout 4 in the Library Folders.

6. Install Fallout 4 where you want it as long as it's one of the configured Library Folders you set up in Steam and is outside of Program Files.

7. Make your INI changes for Loose Files.

8. Test in game that everything works with a new save game. DLC Only! No F4SE! Use the provided Official Launcher![2]

9. Get your mod manager of choice, MO2 or NMM configured to use the location you installed Fallout 4.[1] [Pick only one method to install files.]

10. Install F4SE.

11. Activate one mod at a time or mods that are all required to run together.[3][4]


Keep testing until something is as you claim, missing. Then contact the author of the mod causing the issue.



[1] In my opinion MO2 and NMM shouldn't be used together because one uses links (NMM AFAIK) and the other uses virtual folders (MO2). Each has their own issues but they are both maintained. (MO2 by LePresidente) Only have one installed so they aren't fighting for control over your windows file system.

[2] Make a new save game with only the DLC active and installed. At least talk to the robot in sanctuary to get access to settlement building. You can't name your save games but try to remember this save game. Give it the virtual name in your head of "My Starting Point" and never save a new save game after that while testing. After you activate mods use this new save game each time so you know it was made with only the DLC active. Never save past this spot until you are 100000% certain everything works perfectly.

[3] Only install or activate one mod. However, if you need to install AWKCR along with an armor mod do so because the armor mod won't work without it. Just only what is required for the one mod you are going to test. Adding texture replacers isn't required that should be a separate step.

[4] Do not install any kind of Scraping Mod. It requires you to disable combined objects which causes graphical errors. If you want to use scrap mods do this very, very, last thing so you know everything was working prior to doing this. Then you aren't blaming mods for causing the issue.

Edited by Sharlikran
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[1] MO2 has its own issues and it's maintained (I think) but not by the original author that I am aware of. If I am wrong about that sorry but I could swear Tannin said he would not be updating it. Also MO2 adds DLL files that run at all times. Uninstall MO2 if you are going to use NMM so only NMM is in control of your windows file system.

Just an update for you, MO2 is now being updated by LePresidente and the currently supported version can be found both on his Github and on Skyrim SE site. Yes it's still a touch buggy, but mostly in terms of more advanced uses of it such as running CK, F4Edit, and LOOT through it. Just plain install/uninstall of mods has always worked perfectly for me. STEP folks have also taken over the user support for LePresidente so he can focus on just coding. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6194

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I am kind of having a somewhat similar issue... I am trying to add ranks to the army uniform from the vanilla portion but when I load the game and put it on my body becomes invisible/see through... I am very puzzled by this... Any clues or hints that may lead me down the correcting path???

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I am kind of having a somewhat similar issue... I am trying to add ranks to the army uniform from the vanilla portion but when I load the game and put it on my body becomes invisible/see through... I am very puzzled by this... Any clues or hints that may lead me down the correcting path???


I believe the original poster (or the OP) is saying that he has missing textures or meshes and things don't show up in game. However, there is no simple answer for that except that the Mod Manager (NMM or MO2) didn't install the mod correctly, the INI files are not altered properly, you the user didn't install the mod correctly, or the game (installed by you) isn't installed correctly.


There is basically no reason for something to not show up in game unless the files are not in the data folder. That's it and the mod author has provided all the files in the mod, supposedly. Which leaves you in the same position as the OP. No there are no simple, easy clues or hints. You will have to figure it out yourself by trying to edit the INI files like the OP did (I link a video in step 7 above), uninstall and reinstall mods, check the authors install instructions for the mod because there may be required files you didn't install. As a last resort you may have or reinstall Fallout 4 if you think you need to do that.


Lastly don't forget to run the Fallout 4 Launcher when you have issues because Steam may not have added (or it was reset and removed by Steam) all the configuration information that 3rd party tools need to function properly.


Not trying to be disrespectful just that the constant posts of missing files and things not showing up in game has to be caused by something. Users aren't doing anything wrong or on purpose. So if you install something with NMM then it should work so what's causing so many posts of things not working all the time. I don't experience issues because I use Wrye Flash and the files are copied physically and directly to the Data folder. However, there is nothing wrong with MO2 and NMM that is so broken that nothing works. So people shouldn't have so many issues.

Edited by Sharlikran
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