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Bullet Accuracy


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I've run into some interesting issues with bullet accuracy, and was wondering if this is intended with the mods I have installed, or some sort of strange conflict that I'm as-of-yet unaware of. First off, I have a couple of mods that directly affect the bullets and the way they work -- specifically, I have the add-ons 'Weapons of Fate' and 'Realistic Guns and Bullets Overhaul,' along with the compatibility .esp provided between them. However, it seems that many of my guns, the revolvers, especially, have some major accuracy issues, oftentimes causing me to miss while looking down the sights only a few feet from my target. It is my understanding that these guns are intended to be less-than-accurate compared to guns like rifles and lasers, but even the lasers and rifles seem to suffer these same problems, though to a lesser extent. Secondly -- it was pointed out to me by my boyfriend while he was watching me play -- that the bullets seem to not come from the guns, but rather from somewhere around my character's chest, which could account for them being off; I was wondering if there were a cause for this, or if it is intended and just part of how everything has to work. Thanks in advance for any help and insight anyone can provide! :)

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