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Nor vs Not gates


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I have no idea how the gate things work in-game, but by common sense NOR is true only when all the inputs are false, and NOT is true when the input is false, so could it be that NOT only has one input, whereas NOR can have two or more inputs? As in, from a 'logic' point of view, a NOR gate can have, for example, two inputs, and the output is true only if both inputs are false. But a NOT gate usually only has one single input, and it basically inverts the input's truth value. Unless I remember something wrong.


Just a thought, I have no idea how they work in the game. :tongue:


Edit: Typos... :facepalm:

Edited by Contrathetix
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with the help of Contrathetix, we have compiled a short list of common gates that fallout4 likely uses.

and - all inputs on = on, no inputs or some inputs on = off

nand - no inputs or some inputs on = on, all inputs on = off

or - some or all inputs on = on, no inputs on = off

nor - no inputs on = on, some or all inputs on = off

xor - one input on = on, two or more, or all inputs on = off

not - input on = off, input off = on

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a short list of common gates that fallout likely uses.

and - all inputs on = on, no inputs or some inputs on = off

nand - no inputs or some inputs on = on, all inputs on = off

or - some inputs on = on, all or no inputs on = off

nor - no inputs or all inputs on = on, some inputs on = off

xor - one input on = on, two or more, or all inputs on = off

not - input on = off, input off = on


As far as I know (which is not much), OR is always true unless all the inputs are off, hence the ≥1 symbol in logic gates. As in, x1 ∨ x2 ∨ x3 ∨ ... ∨ xn = 1 if x1 + x2 + x3 + ... + xn ≥ 1 which is true also when all the inputs are on/true/1. NOR, on the other hand, is basically the negation of OR, and is true only when all inputs are false/off/0, and false when one or more inputs are on/true/1.


But then again, I might also be missing something here, which happens a lot. Feel free to correct me. :blush:

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