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UUUUUUuuuuuggghhh... Missing textures.


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Or just drag the esps up and down in the list. Either'll work.


If it still doesn't work, you could reinstall KotN and its unofficial patch (in that order of course)...or you can just deactivate them both and leave them be. As long as they're deactivated as a pair, they shouldn't influence your game, and the resources they use will just sit unused in your Data folder.

It should be safe to use any game that was saved with one or both of them active, since I'm pretty sure KotN only adds a couple quests and items and overrides a few vanilla scripts; the quests and items will just disappear and the scripts will run directly from the vanilla esm.

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Or OBMM. Why does OBMM get so little love these days, it's much more new-user-friendly than Wrye is :\


Because 3 hours spent learning to use Bash to begin with will save you 30 hours of headaches down the road. I learned this the hard way.


Sure, OBMM is "easier" and more "user friendly", but it also does less, provides less information, and is more likely to let you do something which will completely break your game.

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On the other hand, it's a simple install that lets the user do basic things like reordering their mods, and has far fewer things that can go wrong with it.

But eh. Truth be told, if I were just starting out now when there weren't so many horror stories about how convoluted-looking Wrye's interface are and seeing how outdated OBMM is, I'd probably go for Wrye. Or NMM, it sounds to be decent for just mod management.




Uninstall the unofficial KotN patch, if it has an uninstaller (seems to me like the vanilla game's unofficial patch did, can't remember). If you can't find an uninstaller for it, just delete the esp.

In your Data folder, move Knights.esp and Knights.bsa somewhere else. It doesn't matter where else, just...not there. Note I said "move", not "delete", we want'em available if Steam doesn't redownload them.

Run a full file check with Steam. I'm assuming it has an option somewhere to check an installed game's files for integrity (or at least it bloody well better). Once it realizes that those two files are missing it should redownload them. I hope.

Then, run the game and get to where you found the missing mesh. If it's there, huzzah. If not, go into first-person, bring up the console, click the big ugly yellow WTF mesh marker, type Disable and hit enter. Hope it wasn't anything important :v if it's a decoration or something, do this, if it's an activatable table/shrine/whatever you might want to hold off on Disable until you determine the object's purpose


You could also completely uninstall the game and redownload/install it via Steam, making sure you back up your savegames first (they're stored in My Documents, under My Games\oblivion\saves assuming Steam doesn't set a special path for THAT too). Naturally this would take several times longer than the above.

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