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Sickness, Infection, and Advanced Injuries


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I'd like to see a mod (unless this already exists) that adds sicknesses and changes how crippled limbs work



Disease: description explaining what it does



  • Infection: Develops from staying below %75 health for an extended period of time (a game day)

    Can be treated by using Antiseptic on the wound before administering a stimpak

  • Septic Shock: Develops after not treating an infection. Depletes %125 of a persons health over the course of a day.

    Administer a dose of Antiseptic to decrease the damage rate, use stimpaks to get over %75, then get well rested

  • Tetanus: Same development as septic shock, but happens much less often. Movement speed is decreased by %15, and you will randomly experience jolts of damage.

    A doctors bag, antiseptic, a stimpak, and get well rested.

  • Rabies: Can be contracted from Coyotes, Night Stalkers, Yao Guai, attacking Brahmin, Mole Rats, and Rats. Causes screen to blur at random moments, causes you to hear gunshots and other sounds of danger when they're not really there.

    See a doctor or administer a super stimpak


  1. Visiting a doctor or having a super stimpak can cure all diseases
  2. Med-X stops symptoms temporarily
  3. The higher your medical skill the less likely you are to contract diseases
  4. Being irradiated increases the likelihood of getting a disease.

New Crippled Limb system


Using a doctors bag on a crippled limb will indeed stop the symptoms of the injury, but that limb will take %50 more damage than normal until you get well rested.

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Those are some decent ideas there.


It is entirely possible to add "disease" effects to some animals etc, the cure would probably end up as a single dose thing though.. (having an effect cured after three different things have been done sounds in the difficult to impossible range). Also changing how doctors work may prove difficult, unless it's just a simple script or effect.


I'll definitely look into this. Especially the animal diseases, as that definitely adds another sense of "hardcore" to the equation.


Currently on my New Vegas i've got a "bleeding effect" (unfortunately it only effects the PC, but it is slow, so almost unnoticeable in combat really). Which only comes into effect when the PC is below 70% health (starts out as bleeding, which reduces some stats and slowly (1 every 5 or so seconds) drains health, then moves on to open wounds with more damage and stat losses, then maxes when the PC gets lower than 10% health with "hypovolemic shock" which can have some really bad effects if left at that level).


I'll see what I can cook up if you are interested?

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It could effect the dialogues that player tries to have with NPCs depending what kind of disease the player has. Like rabies or other that makes the player seem sick from the outside, fungus on the face blabla. People would just pass on the conversation: "Eww get away"
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Those are some decent ideas there.


It is entirely possible to add "disease" effects to some animals etc, the cure would probably end up as a single dose thing though.. (having an effect cured after three different things have been done sounds in the difficult to impossible range). Also changing how doctors work may prove difficult, unless it's just a simple script or effect.


I'll definitely look into this. Especially the animal diseases, as that definitely adds another sense of "hardcore" to the equation.


Currently on my New Vegas i've got a "bleeding effect" (unfortunately it only effects the PC, but it is slow, so almost unnoticeable in combat really). Which only comes into effect when the PC is below 70% health (starts out as bleeding, which reduces some stats and slowly (1 every 5 or so seconds) drains health, then moves on to open wounds with more damage and stat losses, then maxes when the PC gets lower than 10% health with "hypovolemic shock" which can have some really bad effects if left at that level).


I'll see what I can cook up if you are interested?


Ok then, how about this


Infection: Antiseptic or BSA (Broad Spectrum Antibiotic) shot

Septic Shock: Septic Shock Treatment

Tetanus: Tetanus Treatment


There would be new items at the crafting table that can be crafted depending on your MED skill



  • Antiseptic: Cures infection
  • Broad Spectrum Antibiotic: Rarer than antiseptic, but cures all diseases
  • Tetanus Shot: Can be used by itself to prevent Tetanus for up to a game week.



  • Sepsis Treatment: BSA Shot, Antiseptic, Stimpak
  • Tetanus Treatment: Doctors Bag, Tetanus Shot, Stimpak



Also, a few more illnesses


  • Common Cold: END -1
  • Malaria: ?


Cold develops randomly and rarely, Can be cured by getting well rested.


Malaria is contracted by insect-type creatures. Don't know what item I'd use for a cure yet.

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Malaria pills?Make it a constant effect, the Pills only setting its effects to Zero, for a couple hours before it resets. and if you go untreated it progressively gets worse and more pills have to be taken to relieve it. And the only cure is an expensive treatment from the doctors or just roughing it, with the pills for the rest of your play.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a bit of a look into it. (sorry it took so long) :D


Here are some things that I could add;


Diseases that are attached to certain weapons and creatures (rusty knives, giant rats) that when used against the PC have a small percentage chance of giving that disease to the player.


Rabies is a good example. I could add a 1% chance to every "rodent" creature in the game. Every time the player is hit by a molerat or giant rat there is a 1% chance of being infected with rabies.


This would take a long time, and would most likely not include any mod added creatures or weapons.


The other way is to attach a perk(s) to the player, which is triggered under certain circumstances. i.e. The player gets a hidden perk added to his perk list, the perk is set up so that if the player is hit by an animal or a special kind of weapon, there is a chance of contracting disease. This is a lot more basic and vague, but a LOT easier to do, and also it would apply to any mod added weapons or monsters without patching required.


Adding disease cures wouldn't be difficult but they would most likely need recipes and also need to be added to the healing leveled lists.


EDIT; Rukus723 is in the "banned" group. I guess that's why he hasn't commented back :O

Edited by adman85
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