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after a resinstall,an NMM question...and a 'timing' question before Enderal installed..?


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Hi Folks,


For boring PC-wonkiness reasons that have NOTHING to do with Skyrim, I Uninstalled Steam...then Reinstalled Steam...then Reinstalled Skyrim Legendary edition

In addition, I am now downloading Enderal to install for the very 1st time


So here's my question before I 'touch it'


IF I want to go back to my last Skyrim save, and have all my old NMM mod-stuff (No-brainer mods like the Unofficial Legendary patch, Unofficial High resolution patch...and of course SKYUI)....but I ALSO wish to play Enderal for the 1st time, is the following the EXACT Correct order...or should I Do it differently?


1. Install Enderal on a clean, totally UNTOUCHED Skyrim Legendary Edition

2. ONLY after that, reinstall my old mods to Skyrim Legendary edition, via my SAME NMM I've always used prior, so as to be able to go back to my last save


Any help would be appreciated....and feel free to call me lame :-)



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the Enderal launcher makes a backup of your data folder you can revert back anytime you want if you open NMM while Enderal is installed bad things will happen anyway the best solution is disable all of your mod in NMM then install Enderal and use NMM to install mods for Enderal you can the use the Enderal launcher to switch between the two. Or make another installation of skyrim just for Enderal this are 3 videos with 3 different methods:

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