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perk applied 3 times


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I used sushisquid's Better Magic Mod, http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4374, and installed everything. One of the components of the mod was that it changed the mage armor perk so that it would add 150 armor if I was not wearing any type of armor.

The mod has worked fine until today when I wanted to tweak the mod myself using Skyedit. I used skyrim.esm and better magic as the parent files and made some changes of my own. Then, after playing the game for awhile, I noticed I had an unusually high amount of armor, I checked my stats and I had 500 armor instead of the regular 200. (150 mage armor + 50 from lord stone) Turns out that on my active effects page, somehow mage armor has been applied three times. I tried disabling my custom mod then the Better Magic mod, but my armor remained at 500, so I assume it's a problem with my character. I know I can use the console command "force AV" but then my armor takes a 450point drop when i equip armor, which is irritating.


Long story short, is there a way to remove active effects?

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