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New MALE hair styles!


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Apologies, I truly did not mean to offend anyone by my comments merely that those certain styles that have mods so far simply do not appeal to me. I do not persume to judge others for their own tastes. Nor do I go around abusing or riduculing those that download and post comments on how much they like a mod that I do not.


From what I posted I simply don't see what would be disparaging to others. Was it the emo / anime bit? as like I say its from my point of veiw and well to be honest I do not even know what possesed me to put emo in there so I cheerfuly retract that part.(edit: actualy now i recall where i got that term from it was from the OP'er) As for the rest of it, truthfully animae haircuts to me look closer to a female haircut, to others they do not but to me they do.


I see on your info your listed as staff, so when i say this I say it with all due respect. Anyone can take offense at the smallest and most inconsequential thing. I myself could take offense to what seems to be you making a disparging remark about my prefered style of haircut. But I do not. I relise that being staff here you have to at least try and maintain order and some sembelence of common manners. To which I applaud you and the other staff and owners of this website, as since joining I have felt it to be a rather nice enviroment and quite welcolming.


*sigh* Sadly this type of misinterpretation does happen now and then as text often fails to convey the tone behind what was written. I shall of course take your comment under consideration when posting in future, I also appologise in advance if something does come out as disparaging in the future, as it truly is not meant that way. I usualy only post in spots that i agree with or like.


All I mean by my post is simply put I would love to see this mod with the Male Haircuts, as there don't seem to be any out at this point and the extra variety would be a boon to the community. I have offered my suggestions and requests I would offer my help in this endeavor to but sadly I lack the skill at this sort of stuff and would only be a hinderance. Regardless if my requests are picked up or not by the author im sure once its done there will be many choices that will look awsome. I look foward to keeping track of this mod.


Hopefully you, and others that share your veiw of my earlier post can forgive me Myrmaad as i was only intending to express my own personal style of haircut.


I wish you all well with the creation of your "ideal" char and hope this mod in the works brings you one step closer to achieving it. Just like I hope it does for me.


Cheers :)


Edit: Dont mind me just polishing off my post so I hopefully dont offend anyone again.


I second this hairstyle,too awesome!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guess I want to show support for this idea as well. While I have no ideas and/or pictures for male hairstyles I do want more. My chickies have enough to choose from at this point in time. My menfolk need some suave as well as butch 'dos!


Kudos for whomever is doing this.

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How about one similar to Loki from the Thor movie? Average film, fantastic villain.



they have it for dunmer but it would be nice to have it for other races as well
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I'd like to see some curly hair styles. Know it would be a *censored* to probably make the meshes for them, but I'd love it.


Also, I really miss the pointy-hair elf hairstyle they used to have. The adoring fan and a lot of other npcs had those in previous games. Did the Thalmor ban it or something? Sad it went out of style as it was my favorite male elf hairstyle available in the previous 2 Scrolls games.

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Any word back on how this mod is progressing throttlekitty. Im simply dying to see what your creating for male hairstyles.


Anyone come across male haircut mods ? I find it most sad that while im searching for new male haircuts, i find mods for male pubic hair but absolutely nothing for normal hair thats situated on the head lol.

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