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So, while looking through Youtube comments, I saw someone state that they wanted Jarl Balgruuf as a companion in Fallout 4. As strange as that sounds, it did give me an idea for a big DLC sized mod that I thought would be really cool.


I'm not good enough with creation kits where I could do this myself, but if I could build a team, we could create something like the Mothership Zeta DLC where you get captured by aliens. In Zeta there was a part where you open some cryo pods and release some people from different times and places, like one of them was an ancient samurai. There could be something similar with the mod where you get a big escape mission and you can break out these different characters in the pods and work with them to get out. At the end, all of the people you work with take control of the ship and become available travel companions.




Possible companions could include:


  • Jarl Balgruuf, the bizarre request that somehow made me come up with this idea.
  • An Oblivion Guard.
  • A unique alien different from the ones running the ship.
  • A super intelligent deathclaw with a shredded up lab coat, glasses, and a delightful British accent. He could also serve as a major part of the quest by hacking parts of the ship and taking control of things, allowing the escapees to continue.
  • Spy from TF2, because why not? He's a suave dude and would be fun to have around. He could be built for stealth characters. Plus, he's got some good voice lines. There's a mod that adds more unique weapons, and it includes a knife that does more damage from behind, so that would pair really well with this. Kind of where I got the idea for this companion.
  • The list could go on, but these are a few ideas for characters.



As for making the mod, I do have experience in sound design, writing, and voice acting on a professional level. I can take care of any writing and sound effects for the mod, but I'm not experienced enough with the creation kit to make the mod itself the kind of quality I'd like to see, so with that said, I'd love to hear from people if anyone is interested in working with me on this project.


The things I'm going to need are:


  • Modelers who can create assets such as new set pieces, clothing to fit the deathclaw, and the friendly alien in the same quality and style as the game.
  • Scripters to make story events work.
  • Builders who can design the ship and piece everything together in the creation kit.


I imagine we could build something amazing here right on par with the original Fallout 3 DLC. I do fear though that this might be a little too ambitious, but it doesn't hurt to share. Who knows?

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