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Weather mod


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Not sure where to put this, so if this the wrong spot, I'll just apologize in advance.


Anyway: does anyone know if there's a weather mod for New Vegas out there that adds some prettier skies and the occasional bit of rain and

- does not add ridiculously dark nights

- does not add such things (or has the option to disable them) like sandstorms, radioactive rain and other crap that may sound good on paper, but in practice will just end up annoying me while playing.


In short: I'm looking for a simple weather mod without any fancy bells and whistles to it.

Edited by Raygereio
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Nevada Skies is pretty solid. If you don't want darker nights and sandstorms, you can disable them in NS setting.

Thanks, but I already ried that one.

First tried out v7 and found out that it didn't have an options menu at all anymore (or if there was it sure was well hidden). Then tried the previous version but all I could do in the options was set the frequency of sandstorm to low, not disable them outright (and i didn't see any options that allowed you to disable radstorms which Nevada Skies also advertised).

Edited by Raygereio
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you could try FNV Project Reality,but its pretty hard on your system,even my well built PC stutters cause of it. I think Im going to wait till the next release to see if its improved,but I like FNV PR better than Nevada Skies.


It's better, but current version has too many scripts running per frame and it also causes memory leaks. In fact, it's not hard for most systems, it's just poorly optimized.

Besides, you missed Raygereio's point - he doesn't want sandstorms, darker nights and rad rains.

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Besides, you missed Raygereio's point - he doesn't want sandstorms, darker nights and rad rains.

I'm actually okay with darker nights.I have issues with I-have-to-go-back-to-the-nexus-and-dig-up-a-nightvision-mod-because-I-can't-see-anything-anymore-dark. It's the same problem I have with sandstorms: you can't play if you can't see where you're going.


Anyway, thanks for the replies. I've however given up on finding a mod that's good enough for me. Instead I've grabbed Nevada Skies v7, went to town on it with FNVEdit and removed the entries for sandstorms (and oddly enough the entires that effect the hacking minigame... in a weathermod o_O).

Save for an actoreffect, I couldn't find any entries for radioactive rain, so I guess it doesn't have that? Or did I miss something?

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Had any weird weather problems since cutting up nevada skies? (empty skies that change after a few moments, rain getting stuck)


I haven't been using a weather mod because of the fps drain, but i do love them.


I'm gonna go give it a try anyway :D.

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Had any weird weather problems since cutting up nevada skies? (empty skies that change after a few moments, rain getting stuck)

Haven't noticed anything like that so far. All I did to remove sandstorms was delete the scripts that activate it around Hidden Valley and delete the entries for sandstorms under Climate.

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