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Skyrim 3d


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Is Skyrim in 3d much better?????

Is anything in 3d really much better ?


Very funny, and very true :laugh: . I am not one who like this new 3d everything fad. All I ever get out of 3d movies is a mildly increased viewing experience and a headache. I doubt games in 3d would be all that different.

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No 3D is pointless and a failing technology they tried it in the 70's or whatever and it failed then, they are trying it now by bring glasses into the living room and they failed, 3D will be terrible into we get the Star Wars hologram thing which actually makes a difference.



HD - More clear picture - Useful

3D - Picture is unwatchable without glasses and even the better 3D is still ruddy terrible. - Will never be useful

Edited by GoodfellowGoodspring
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3d is not such a bad idea but still not "user friendly" enough for a breakthrough.


I watched a Documentary about the Great Canyon in 3D and have to admit that I really liked it. What I did not like however, was pretty much everything else. The glasses were a nuisance, my eyes quickly started to hurt and it did take a while for them to "calm down" afterwards. While the 3d effect was nice, the lighting on the screen was suboptimal.


3D has a Future but the Future is not now.

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Everything is killing our brains. Don't get too caught up into all that stuff :laugh: . As long as you are not bathing in radioactive fallout than you shouldn't likely see any ill effects of today's technology.

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I've played Skyrim on a 46" monitor and a 21” monitor using NVIDIA 3D, but I didn’t think it added all that much to the game or at least not significantly. Shooting a fireball looked OK for example (on the bigger screen), but it didn’t make the game all that much better or indepth looking. Getting the crosshairs to be accurate was a pain.

I found the 3D added significantly to games like Arkham and GTR2 though.

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