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Follower Issue: Getting One shotted; Melee dmg


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My follower is still getting one shotted but I ran the following tests with the associated mod:

-Deleted all of the info made by the mod and tried it out. The follower could take more hits than (Vanilla) opposed to her modded self (NPC Editor).

I went into a crypt; engaged 1 Daugr Wight and 1 Daugr. She got killed in 4 hits of a standard Ancient War Axe. With her normal armor (leather armor), she has about 150 armor. Its possible her armor was too low. I exited the game and modded her stats to give her these stats.


After installing the stats into the directory, I reloaded the game and re-engaged the same set of enemies. Now she was 2 shotted with an armor rating over 530+. I also tested it with heavy armor (at that rating, it would be around 1,259), she was also 2 shotted.


-I resurrected her to see if any effect would be different

This had no effect at all, other than refresh her blank inventory with an iron blade and dagger.


-With the mod, I turned her on as 'essential'

I can see how this would effect the follower. She couldn't die, but the problems remained (she got hit twice, than hugged the ground). I also redid the stats to turn this feature off. She still had her same 2 hit problem.



Now, I'm very unclear on what can make this happen, but I have no mods that influence a difference in my armor values or the stats of the followers in my game (this one program being the only exception). Can someone give me some ideas of what could be wrong? These are my mods:


Edited by evolvedbullet1
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Yeah mod the health to like 2k and make essential.


Now is there a mod so that my follower can't be damaged by friendly fire? Cloak spells really muck followers up. If that mod isn't possible, then a mod that will make them never hate me while damaging them would be nice. I don;t need my follower leaving me just because he was too stupid to avoid my magic awesomeness.

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  On 1/12/2012 at 5:45 PM, evolvedbullet1 said:

I don't know why but my follower, with a rating of 500+ armor rating, is getting one shotted by missles/melee/ and dragon bites. If one can help me with this, Id appreciate it. I feel like it might be associated with my NPC editing, but all I did was change her stats and appearance. Nothing more.


Link to the mod in question


Thank you.


A wild guess....what level are you and what level is follower?....from what i've experienced if you are too low a level in the WRONG place ...you get ya butt kicked....but if you're at a higher level ...a fair battle ensues. tc.

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I'm lvl 55 and I bet she is maxed at her lvl of 30 (I don't know how to look).


I just tried the setav health #. It's a good temporary fix but for some reason her armor is being negated. I know it sounds like a long shot taking into account that you have no idea what I added to this game, but I assure you, I will answer any question that you might have as well as give you as many facts about my game as possible that might lead to the solution. I've grown desperate; I would like to send a message to the creator of this NPC modifier but I don't know what to say to him. With all of the facts I've collected, I can't phrase a proper question that would give (or lead) me on the right track to the answer.

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Ok first off what did you change on Jenassa . I picked her up just to test. She is lvl 40 which is the max level for her. I had her fight Kamatu that was at lvl 50. Waited this long for him to check scimtar dmg vs lvl when you first find it. and yes its a leveled item. Well back to the test. I killed off all the lower Nps and stood there till she got his attention. She had no problems defeating him though she was 10 level lower then he was. She is a stock npc no edits with npc editor which i use a lot. I did change out her gear to stock elven gear no enchants or upgrades sword and dagger. I noticed ealier that her standard dagger dose not show in her hand hence the elven upgrade. Conclusion you had to change something in her info to effect the that she gets hit one or two times before she gose to knee. She dose duel wield so no change to class or combat style is needed. Hope this helps
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Maybe this is the problem, followers hit with marked for death will permanently lose armor. I've found the solution for that, you just type on the console " getav info damageresist " then at the end it tells you the damage is -1600 in my case was -1500 you just have to type restoreactorvalue damageresist <number> if your damage is -16000.04 you type " restoreactorvalue damageresist 16000.04. Hope it helps!
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