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how to make the script spawn object's navmesh to work?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Got it working for custom statics.


To do so, I created Navcut collision boxes and approximately covered up the parts of the object I want the NPCs to avoid, then flagged the Static as an Obstacle in the CK. To create the Navcut collision, follow the standard method of custom collision:

but when it gets to the CollisionGroup step, choose NullMaterial and NavMesh Cut as your two options.


Tested it with PlaceAtMe and the NPCs navigate it perfectly (well as perfect as Beth AI can...).

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You were right, Ethreon was the man to talk to. He knew immediately how to do it.


If you're doing prefab workshop objects, you'd probably skip the Obstacle step - I don't think it's needed for workshop objects (at least I don't see it checked on any vanilla Workshop objects). Seems to be only necessary for script spawned items.

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