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New Enemy Mod - It follows based Enemy


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Hi modders i have searched all over the web and still have yet to find or seen any attempt to make a fairly advanced unstoppable enemy NPC. IT slowly follows the player around skyrim into buildings, caves just about anywhere. Does not need to have a quest but it would be cool if it did. It changes appearences say into a random NPC's each time IT appears its something different. Something which would seem out of place or unsual like a dead npc or quest only which otherwise shouldn't be there so it can catch your attention. It should be quiet with no vocals except maybe breathing or footsteps depending on what it is. It should be eerie, creepy, unnerving and especially scary experience never knowinf when it will catch up to you.


It can be attacked but not killed with high hp but can be stunned temporilly stopping it but would resume slowly stalking you after a couple of minutes fully regenerated. Its attacks shouls be melee only so it has to get up close to hit you but when it does it hits hard. Its level scales to yours. Its unseen and unnoticed by everyone else including followers but they can still be caught in Its attacks if in the way.



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