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Beggining wagons dont move


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So today I was playing with some mods but after it i decided to play vanilla skyrim. So I started it up and hit new. After the intro faded the wagons arent moving but all the sounds and dialog still work but i cannot progress in the game because the wagons dont move an inch. please help.





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Is your Vsync enabled? If not, enable it and restart the new game.

Were there any direct setting changes to say, the .ini files you made when you were modding? I doubt that that is the problem, but it could be a lingering file. If you are wanting to play on vanilla skyrim and are having issues, I'd just recommend doing a clean install. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/906390-cleaning-skyrim-for-fresh-install/

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Is your Vsync enabled? If not, enable it and restart the new game.

Were there any direct setting changes to say, the .ini files you made when you were modding? I doubt that that is the problem, but it could be a lingering file. If you are wanting to play on vanilla skyrim and are having issues, I'd just recommend doing a clean install. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/906390-cleaning-skyrim-for-fresh-install/


I did not mess with any .ini files and I did a full fresh install still wasn't working then it dawned on my I was using Fnis with the creatures add-on so the only way I can get the beginning to work is if I leave those two mods enables.

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I would suggest you move your animations and FNIS to the bottom of your load order, and if you are not using XPMSe, I would use it. The bottom of your load order should look like:



XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended

[any mod LOOT Sorts to here]


Hopefully that helps your situation.

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