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Werewolf stages


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After your after transformation Aela tells you that for now you will only be able to transform once a day,maybe there will be evolution stages like the first one is the existing one.The second is you becoming a lycan and can transform to a werewolf and return to be human when you want.Than you have more powerful abilties like super jump and sprint charge

and grab and running on walls.than in the next stages you become more powerful,agile and your werewolf form will start to look like a human like underworlds michal.

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Running on walls would be next to impossible, but increasing certain runspeed and jump height in human form as your lycanthropy progresses and you reach a 'middle-ground' would be doable. Sort of like how vampirism has Stages. I think that's what you're asking, correct?


Anyway, this would require some scaling and taking the companions quests (mainly all those totems) into consideration. There's an item and quest that grants you the ability to turn as many times as you want in one day, btw.


Stage One is pretty much how it is now. Once a day Werewolf transformation, whereby in wolf form you have great strength and speed, can howl to scare your enemies and feed on their bodies to maintain form. Note that you're not as strong as vanilla, so don't go thinking you can fight something like a Snow Troll or Sabercat on your own. These enemies will no longer be scared of a stage one howl, for instance. Levelling works by increasing Werewolf stats by 50% each level.


Stage Two: You get a permanent bonus to unarmed, run speed and jump height in human form. These stats can swing inverse to your health - a kind of bestial fury where the less health you have, the stronger you are. You can stay in werewolf form for longer without feeding. Wolform levelling improves likewise, 100% each level.


Stage Three: People grow nervous around you. In unarmed combat, a critical hit can knock someone back (but not by too much). Wolves no longer attack you, and may fight by your side if you encounter them in the wild. Tranformation is also faster, making it feasible to turn even in the heat of combat. Snow Trolls and Sabercats aren't so much of a problem, and you're a bigger threat to dragons too. However, if your health dips low you can suddenly transform without warning. Levelling improves further, 150% each level.


Stage Four: Critical unarmed hit can throw someone across a room. You can also manually turn back to human form (script extending probably required) at will. Your howl can scare anything that isn't a Dragon or Dragonpriest. However not only do townsfolk try to keep their distance from you, but you run the risk of transforming randomly at night, whether by sleeping or being outdoors at a time when both moons are out. This doesn't bode well for you if you're sleeping in the local inn, where you may suddenly wake up naked in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by corpses.

Edited by MajikMoshos
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