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Some people get weird blocky hair on my follower mod.


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First things first: SHE.REALLY.WORKS.NOW. :cool: So glad - she's really a great follower! And definitely worth all the troubleshooting. ^^


Just some final nitpicking: The CBBE version works perfectly. No neckseam whatsoever. In the UNP version however I still noticed a slight neckseam. It's definitely an issue of head and body textures not matching perfectly: For testing purposes, I replaced the UNP textures you provided with a UNP texture set I use myself (a custom version of Fair Skin Complexion) and which - as I know - is absolutely seamless. Result: Perfect! The slight neckseam I noticed before was gone. So just make sure to add the "femalehead.dds" I talked about before and copy a complete, fitting set of UNP textures in her folder. Everything will be good.


So in regards to my custom followers sometimes showing up naked it might just be a quirk of the engine? Also, I know you've already done a lot to help but if you don't mind I've actually updated all of my followers since I think I might've fixed all the texture and neck seam related issues now - I'm wondering if you can test out Priscilla in your game to see if everything really is fine now.



As for the "naked issue": I'd just leave it at that. We have more serious problems than "nudist" followers - don't we? ^^

Until someone can come up with a logical explanation, I'm indeed convinced that there are some glitches concerning followers in the engine itself.


I can only think of one thing that might be worth giving it a try: Remove the gloves you gave her from her inventory and add them to her outfit instead (OFC save the current vanilla outfit as a new item before!). Maybe the game doesn't like the combination of predefined outfit and armor in her inventory? You see: Sounds a bit like game engine voodoo, doesn't it? Working with outfits is definitely the normal way to go, so I can't see what should be wrong with your approach.


Anyway: Thanks for a really beautiful, yet natural looking, follower!


EDIT: It looks like the neck seam on the UNP version is my fault because when I turn off the ENB the difference between the head the neck becomes extremely noticeable.


So great to here that she's finally working now! As for the neck seam issue on the UNP version I'll look into it but it may be a problem with the texture I'm using and not the mod itself. I'll still check just to be sure though.


And again, thanks so much for helping me out with my follower. :D

Edited by FrozenMemories
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