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Anyone here use GMax?


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So I found something that can help me with my little problem of unable to make custom meshes. And I found Gmax and the Niftools for it on youtube out of pure luck.


But when I try to import a Nif file I get the following error:


Object size mismatch occurred during file read:

===[ Object 1 | BSInvMarker ] ====

Start: 647, Expected Size: 14, Read size: 16


Anyone know how to fix that problem? Or what file / dll I need to go into to alter the expected size or what have you?

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Actually found the solution to my problem, and it was simple as it was extremely stupid.


I was using Skyrim SE, which I didn't know until I started digging. Has a different set up on doing things. So all the tutorials I've been watching were outdated. So I just downloaded Skyrim the old version.

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