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More noob issues I think. I've only been modding for 2 days though.


I have my NPC moving along Xmarkers and Xmarker headers no problems. My patrol will be a very large one. Like the whole map large.


The issue I'm having is trying to stop my NPC from hitting random markers along the way and just heading to specific ones as it keeps wandering off the roads and not going direct.


It doesn't make any sense to me that my marker is closer with a radius of 0 meaning it has to be passed directly through but it's being skipped to walk off road to a different marker


I'm sure it's very simple but.....

Edited by worldofscotty
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I have my Xmarkers all the way down and they are all linked to one another


The NPC's patrol route specifies these markers and it does end up where it is supposed to end up but its taking random other xmarkers along the way.


For example at the bottom of Mohave outpost where the ants scuttle back and forth from the dead giant radscorpion.


I have my marker closer than that one on the way to Nipton but it wont stop from hitting that one.


Is there a priority on Xmarker headers?

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Cracked it!


It does use extra markers to find the best route to its destination so you have to add enough extra markers to make sure you stay on track.


Also I was saving along the route and updating it so it wasn't updating my new tweaks leaving me dumbfounded.


Some new lessons learned here :D


I am still interested in the relevance of normal xmarkers since it has been advised to use them but I havn't seen a single one actually used by the devs yet

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