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glowing one away


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hello nexus i have a simple request.


a mod that makes glowing ones dissapear, lets just say im a zombie game junkie, and those irradiated guys arent something i like so i want to get ride of them.


i believe you also can delete them modifing the bat files.

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hello nexus i have a simple request.


a mod that makes glowing ones dissapear, lets just say im a zombie game junkie, and those irradiated guys arent something i like so i want to get ride of them.


i believe you also can delete them modifing the bat files.


[somewhat unrelated response] since you're a zombie game junkie, I figured I would mention the Zombie Apocalypse mod, just in case you hadn't heard of that little gem ...it will cause there to be actual zombies roaming the wasteland... that way you could say "Well those are zombies over there... and that glowing thing is a ghoul, totally different". I apologize if my response was unhelpful and a waste of your time :sweat:

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