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Non-Essential Civil War Camps - Hostile Enemies


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As the title says....


It's a tad bit immersion-breaking at the end of the civil war arc to have them tell you, "Go eliminate all of the camps" and then those guys are not even hostile towards you, and the leader of the camp is essential.


I'm pretty sure both of these can be done, I mean, adding a quest reward for it, probably needs the CK :)

Edited by Stormcrown
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  • 3 months later...

Sorry for the touch of thread necromancy, but... what Stormcrown said. I usually kill the stormcloak (in my case) soldiers, beat the leader down and freeze him with an ice form shout... then run away. Sucked more than usual recently as a stormcloak leader somehow followed me and ran into an imprial band of soldiers... they were doomed.


Why they're not made non-essential at the end of the civil war is rather mysterious, especially since you're given orders to elimate any opposing camps you encounter.

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The Unofficial Skyrim Patch fixes this problem.


Thanks for the tip. I installed USP awhile back and started experiencing a lot of CTDs (I had it loaded right after my esms as per the instructions) but this is bugging me enough that, in the absence of a standalone mod, maybe I'll try it again and try to figure out the problem.


edit: tried the USP again and it seems to cause more problems than it's worth (on my game anyways). Who am I kidding, I hate trouble-shooting unless absolutely necessary so just uninstalled. Someone PLEASE make a standalone mod for this.

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