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Animated weapons / armor


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Hello everybody...


I have been monkeying around with nifskope again and actually had some success...


I have an animated shield that I through together and went to test it out.


It works in the fact that it does not CTD (YAY!), but it has a weird wobble that I can only attribute to something In-Game.

Not only is it while equipped but in the menu as well (thus ruling out idle animation issue... I think)


Check out the video to see it in action.





*edit: My bad i sent the wrong video file...sorry

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Hi, Good to see you've been succesful in animating armour.


I have tried to animate a piece of an armour mesh using nitransforms but I'm a nifnoob and can't get it to work.


Could you please explain what you did.


It is animated in Nifskope but the object does not move in game. The pic is how I have it setup.





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just upload it to youtube then link it here. Problem solved with the cap. o_O

Well i cant say I know the correct way of doing this, but my trial and error method allowed me to figure this much out.


I set mine up like the Dwemer Gear Box (in Clutter/dwemer) like this:




ps i would add it youtube, except i dont have an acc and to create one requires a cell phone activation (which i also do not have... I am fail)

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