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Mods aren't working one bit


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Ok im new to modding. I already downloaded Nexus Mod Manager, and have gotten it all ready. I tried just testing single mods but they wouldn't work, so then i tried multiply (just in case they worked off of each other since the three i tried was from the same guy) stil nothing so i need help.
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So long as you add it to the right section of your config, yes. And it should be =1. 0 is no, 1 is yes. Though i doubt your problem is resulting from this being missing as NMM handles plugins just fine and that line only allows the "Data Files" section of the launcher to be clickable. To my knowledge it doesn't affect anything else.


What mod is it you're trying to install and what steps have you taken to install it?

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I'm having the same problem.


Mod install guides say I have to put the mod files in the DATA folder, but the data files option in the menu is still greyed out and no mod effect is present when running the game.


The line in the .ini file is enabled (set to 1).

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The Data Files section of the launcher is for activating plugins once you've placed them in the proper folder. You literally want to extract your mod to a temporary location and then copy and paste it's files to \Skyrim\Data\. Plugins (.esp) go directly in the \Data\ folder, textures belong in \Data\textures\ and meshes belong in \Data\meshes. Things like \Data\Data\textures\ or \Data\randomod\textures won't work so be sure to copy files from the right folder.


The reason your Data Files section is greyed out is because you altered the wrong config file. You need to be messing with the one found at \My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\ not the one in the root installation directory. Make sure that you copy the line exactly, and that you place it under the correct section as well.

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I'm having the same issue trying to do the basement breezhome mod and tried it in nexus and nothing.

tried manual put the files in DATA folder and nothing

and the data in the launcher is always grayed out????


there needs to be a simple step by step tutorial for those newbees into using mods.


any help appreciated

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The reason your Data Files section is greyed out is because you altered the wrong config file. You need to be messing with the one found at \My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\ not the one in the root installation directory. Make sure that you copy the line exactly, and that you place it under the correct section as well.


Copied from MShoap13, right above you.


Also, you need to unzip or extract the files first to a temporary location (like in your downloads folder or wherever you want to stick them) and once they're unzipped, copy them to the correct folders from there. You can't just stick a compressed file in the folder and hope it'll work. Honestly it's not hard at all once you get used to it. Install a couple mods successfully, and it'll be easy forever. :)

Edited by Rennn
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OK got things to work no one bothered to point us in the right direction.

The problem is the Skyrim Prefrences Settings


This must be under Launch




Allows the mods to work now. Must now click the data under play and check which

mods you want on. Again a step by step for newbees is needed a sticky right on top

of the fourms telling people how to first start putting in mods would be helpful.

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