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Weapon Request: Uzi, Spas 12 and Bullpulp Assault Rifles


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I would really appreciate it if somebody would do an Uzi mod (this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uzi ; NOT Mini-Uzi!) or a mod to bring in some Bullpulp assault rifles ( preferably the SA80: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SA80#L85_Rifle ) even if bullpulp weapons are probably hard to make considering you'd have to create some new reload animations. Also: more shotguns like the Franchi Spas-12 would be awesome (too few shotguns mods out there in my opinion ^^). If anybody would ever do this: You're awesome man :D



Edit:I tried the mod Realistic Firearm that has some of those weapons (spas, famas, uzi), but i really don't like them mod (no fitting animations; too many complicated new types of ammo; lots of even more complicated weapon parts to modify them) so i would still appreciate it if somebody would do a standalone (better) version of the guns mentioned above.

Edited by EpicFantasyGamer
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