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Roleplaying in Skyrim


Female Cosmetic Infestation  

78 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you feel the amount of female cosmetics has gone too far?

    • Yes
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    • I simply cannot fap to the pixels from before.

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True, but i was going on about the way they talk, like they are forced to download these mods, like they destroy their game... no matter how many of these mods are being made and how disturbing they find it, this topic wont change anything...people do what they like to do and thats about it.


I think it was pretty much clear all mods will repeat from oblivion in skyrim and same will be with any other incoming TES/FO games, thats what the majority of people like.


Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I also think that if people don't like the mods they simply should use them. It was just irritating having to sift through all the cosmetics mods to find the highest rated gameplay and other content mods. I think the Top 100 mods page should include an option to exclude cosmetics mods from the results.


Sure, but the at one point during Oblivion's lifetime, there were so many cosmetics mods on the Top 100 pages that I stopped bothering to look there. Oblivion went from an RPG to barbie dress-up.


Oblivion didn't do anything. Modders and players did.


You're nit picking here.


This doesn't even make sense. Remind me, where was I saying Oblivion did anything?


If you want to make smart-ass comments, at least make sure they make some sort of sense.


My intention with the nitpicking comment was that focusing on underwear breaking immersion is silly, as there are so many similar things in the game that can just as easily break immersion. I'd much rather take everyone having the same underwear than have two differebt guards say 'Hey, I know who you are. Hail Sithis!' a few seconds apart.


Edit: Also, calling people perverse for downloading nude mods? Now that's just silly.

Edited by Halororor
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People in the olden times probably didn't wear knickers at all!


The sheer amount of cosmetic mods are evidence of the following in my opinion:

1: Sexual Depravity, desire for a "Perfect Partner" even in a virtual universe.

2: Gender Confusion, people who were denied to play dress-up with barbies as a child take this opportunity to.


Careful with that axe, Eugene....



Personally, when i arrived at the Nexus yesterday and saw the nude mods on the front page I was somewhat disappointed. I thought the Nexus strives for a mature image and caters to mature gamers, hence the serious moderation and banning of members for foul language etc....


Don't really care for synthetic breasts or asses myself, but any mods that improve the FACES of characters would be very welcome.


Once the CK is out ( will that actually happen?) it would be great to see mods adding facial expressions to NPCs.

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People in the olden times probably didn't wear knickers at all!


Careful with that axe, Eugene....



Personally, when i arrived at the Nexus yesterday and saw the nude mods on the front page I was somewhat disappointed. I thought the Nexus strives for a mature image and caters to mature gamers, hence the serious moderation and banning of members for foul language etc....


Don't really care for synthetic breasts or asses myself, but any mods that improve the FACES of characters would be very welcome.


Once the CK is out ( will that actually happen?) it would be great to see mods adding facial expressions to NPCs.


Look, I don't care that people nude mods, but can you blame modders for making such adjustments in this generation? Who knows, maybe modders get requested this a lot because people like to see a graphical change such as this. It is not the damn modders fault. Don't say you're disappointed with the modders of Nexus.


The fact that people can't be more mature about the existence of mods in a game that enhances sexual characteristics in a community such as this with the audience mostly being older than 18 is pitiful itself. People don't need to be asking questions behind motives, making presumptions such as an early childhood fantasy denied or some sexual depravity. That's just insanely stupid.


Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I also think that if people don't like the mods they simply should use them. It was just irritating having to sift through all the cosmetics mods to find the highest rated gameplay and other content mods. I think the Top 100 mods page should include an option to exclude cosmetics mods from the results.


There's a link at the top of the top 100 files page called "Most endorsed files (non-adult)"...

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There's a link at the top of the top 100 files page called "Most endorsed files (non-adult)"...


Indeed, but not all cosmetic mods are adult mods. I'm talking about cosmetic mods in general.


As for what the guy two posts back said, I agree to some degree. I don't mind that there are sexual mods on the site, because it's a personal choice whether you want to use them or not, but I feel they don't have a place on the front page of the site. Our community is made up of a lot of different people from various cultural and religious backgrounds, and what's fine for one isn't necessarily the same for others. It has nothing to do with maturity, but with finding a middleground for people with differing opinions.


Although, I have to admit, I haven't checked the front page myself yet, so I haven't seen these mods you are talking about.

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This doesn't even make sense. Remind me, where was I saying Oblivion did anything?


Behold! :


Oblivion went from an RPG to barbie dress-up.


Emphasis added XD


I was nit picking your nit pick of a nit pick. See, it's like Russian dolls lol


My intention with the nitpicking comment was that focusing on underwear breaking immersion is silly...


Yeah I know. But you could say that about any mod or fix because there will always be something else that breaks immersion. (Well, cause it's a game and no one is ever going to be %100 immersed.) And because other people's peeves are always silly.


And the Skyrim undies are way less brown and diapery than the Oblivion undies. This is true.


Still, bandits generally die pretty quick, right? Who cares about their non-unique bandit armor? You're too busy stabbing them in the face or roasting them alive or whatever. But afterward, during the cleanup, you have plenty of time to contemplate the philosophical ramifications of a dead man in a brown diaper, don't you?


It's like finding a dead man in Zubas. You don't really want the man to be naked, but somehow you know that if he was it would be more dignified for him and less existentially painful for you.


Moral of the story: Even the silliest of mods serves a profound human need :D

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Emphasis added XD


I was nit picking your nit pick of a nit pick. See, it's like Russian dolls lol


Ah, but I did not mean that it's the game itself. It was merely a general statement on how a lot of people were playing the game, considering the amount of cosmetic mods on the site. :P


Yeah I know. But you could say that about any mod or fix because there will always be something else that breaks immersion. (Well, cause it's a game and no one is ever going to be %100 immersed.) And because other people's peeves are always silly.


And the Skyrim undies are way less brown and diapery than the Oblivion undies. This is true.


Still, bandits generally die pretty quick, right? Who cares about their non-unique bandit armor? You're too busy stabbing them in the face or roasting them alive or whatever. But afterward, during the cleanup, you have plenty of time to contemplate the philosophical ramifications of a dead man in a brown diaper, don't you?


It's like finding a dead man in Zubas. You don't really want the man to be naked, but somehow you know that if he was it would be more dignified for him and less existentially painful for you.


Moral of the story: Even the silliest of mods serves a profound human need :D


While I have to admit that the voices issue I stated earlier breaks the immersion a bit more than everyone wearing the same underwear, you do have a point. It's a lot harder to make a mod with new sentences and voice acting than changing or removing the underwear.


Which incidentally leads me to an idea for a mod this spawned that will also counter the immersion of the hideous brown undergarments. Someone can create a mod that adds a company to Skyrim that manufactures all the undergarments, only in a single style, and that has a monopoly on the undergarment industry in Skyrim.

It will be glorious!


There will be sweatshops with Nords working like slaves to produce undergarments, and you would be able to liberate them. And there can be caravans delivering underwear to towns, which can get raided by bandits and which would explain why bandits also have underwear and....


Okay, maybe it's not such a good idea after all. :P

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I look upon the top files of the Skyrim Nexus, and I find myself disturbed by what's there. The huge collection of cosmetic mods, nude mods, mods that only show more cleavage than gameplay. This concerns me because it makes it far more difficult for those of us who play as males to find mods that apply to us.


My question is why? When I play an RPG, I play as who I want to be. As opposed to someone of the opposite gender. The sheer amount of cosmetic mods are evidence of the following in my opinion:

1: Sexual Depravity, desire for a "Perfect Partner" even in a virtual universe.

2: Gender Confusion, people who were denied to play dress-up with barbies as a child take this opportunity to.

3: Do not give me "Would you rather stare at a man's ass during gameplay?" bs, if your primary concern in a video game is what type of ass you're staring at, why buy it?


So I ask you, why? Either some severe gender confusion is going on or you're increasing your one-handed skill in real life as you play.


Not going to even comment on the perversion that is the nude mod.


That would be an interesting statement to pose against nudists, seeing as there's nothing inherently wrong with a body, unlike what your post implies.

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