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Broken Fang Cave


Broken Fang House  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Would a mod to make Broken Fang Cave into a house interest you?

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    • Yes, but here are some changes (leave in comments)
  2. 2. Would anyone be willing to make these changes?

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Can someone with basic modding skill possibly do some changes to the back room in broken fang cave, such as adding a 3 leveled bookshelf, getting rid of the two beds more containers, add one of those pouches that go on alchemy labs, and possibly another room with mannequins and some cool stuff, like the weapon racks. Just nothing with too many ridiculous amounts of containers, and still give it that cave feel. I don't want some exotic super fort. Just something that keeps it an expanded version of what it is. Edited by AloAnmora
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  • 9 months later...

Even though you've resurrected a thread 10 months old, that's kind of fitting for a necromancer. Can you test out the attached file please?




- changed encounterzone to noresetzone

- changed location so it won't be picked for radiant quests, added playerhouse data

- changed double bed to playerownedbed (also double)

- replaced two single beds with bookshelfs

- added satchel near enchanting table and alchemy table

- added one player-owned chest

- added one mannequin

- added weapons rack

- added couple of idle markers left and right

- ensured non of the other chests/drawers/whatevers has the respawn flag

- cleaned up navmesh


I won't be doing any extra work on it unless there is some kind of showstopping bug, nor will I expand the caves.You'll still have to clean out the cave by removing the previous occupants, but after that it's all yours.



Edited by acidzebra
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Even though you've resurrected a thread 10 months old, that's kind of fitting for a necromancer. Can you test out the attached file please?




- changed encounterzone to noresetzone

- changed location so it won't be picked for radiant quests, added playerhouse data

- changed double bed to playerownedbed (also double)

- replaced two single beds with bookshelfs

- added satchel near enchanting table and alchemy table

- added one player-owned chest

- added one mannequin

- added weapons rack

- added couple of idle markers left and right

- ensured non of the other chests/drawers/whatevers has the respawn flag

- cleaned up navmesh


I won't be doing any extra work on it unless there is some kind of showstopping bug, nor will I expand the caves.You'll still have to clean out the cave by removing the previous occupants, but after that it's all yours.



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I just realized that I don't know how to install it,sorry I'm very noob,if you please explain a little bit to me I'll install it as soon as I can



Download the brokenfanghome.rar that Acidzebra attached, save it someplace you can easily find it...maybe your desktop. Open the Nexus Mod Manager, in the upper left you'll see a blue puzle piece looking icon with a a green plus sign, if you hover your mouse you'll see it says "Add mod from file", click that then navigate to the file you downloaded, select it and click Open. It will then proceed as though you downloaded it through the Skyrim Nexus. Activate the mod as you normally would.

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