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Halo armor mods for fallout


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I know there is Halo armor out there somewhere, but I've never actually come across any.


is a good starting point for you to see what all armor mods are out there, and if I remember right , it has a link to some Halo armors. You might get a little overloaded by it all, but the video's author sites all the armor mod sources in the expandable tab undrer the video.


I don't know if any links are broken, and as far as safety be sure to take everything with a grain of salt and read the comment bars to see what other's have to say. I would trust anything that comes from nexus, but if your worried about it just try an on site search here.

Edited by XxSickDemonxX
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The safe and simple answer is no.


That said there are someways to get mods to a console, but I don't use them. Since I don't have any experience working with them, I hesitate to recommend them to you. There are mod kits and "things" which you can get over the internet that must be hardwired into your console, and there are a few sites I've seen which claim to be "easy safe mods for consoles" which don't require or require far fewer modifications to be made to your 360.


The reason that I don't use these are the risks that come with them, and they can end up seriously costing you. Being caught with mods on an Xbox will get your account and console permanetly banned, which means if your into achievements or if you like official DLC, then you basically lose both when starting over. If you're having to modify the box itself you run the risk of screwing something up and effectivelly killing the 360, voiding any warrenties and resale value. You also must pay for the items, the shipping costs, and the tools to istall the mods. Then of course there's the risk of being scammed by online sites, and no matter what they say you can still get caught (Microsoft knows everything).


And even then, I don't know whether all of the work yields a Nexus friendly 360.


Now if it sounds like I'm trying to scare you away from things like this, I am. It's easier, cheaper, and safer to not bother with these.


What I would recommend is trying canyourunit.com to see if your computer/laptop can handle the game (assuming you don't already know). New Vegas is only about $20 so you can get it cheaply from Walmart, Target, Steam and other places. A corded 360 controller (or wireless with an adapter) will play with the game, and it should auto install, plus it comes with controls that are exactly the same as on the 360.


Sorry for the long read, but I hope that helps. If you end up buying the PC version, and you have trouble getting started then I might be able to help, depending on your system.

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Ok, the first thing I need to know is about your system.


1. Go to my computer


2. click on Local Disk (C:)


Now I need to know if there is a folder named Program Files (x86). If there is, I can give step by step instructions, but but if not, my help may have to just be refering you to a help page set up by someone else.

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