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Fallout Mechanics in Skyrim


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Okay so here's the deal...


I recently found out that there are a lot (basically all) of fallout's values still in the ESM. I dunno what it is like in the actual engine but this does denote something doesn't it?


Therefore, my thought is; couldn't we make use of these left overs from the post-apocalyptic realm to make actually exploding fire-balls? Or a lightning-bolt that detonates in a deadly explosion of surging energy?


What of limb damage? Who wouldn't want to be able to make their enemies heads burst when you hit them really hard with a huge two handed hammer? Or actually cause bodily damage, rather than just defining life by animated/ragdoll? This should also be possible using fallout mechanics.


Just imagine what you could do with the possibility of explosions and limb damage in skyrim. (That dragon gonna tear people's stuff off...)

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