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Flower Girls Se x missing dialogues.


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Hi all


So I've been using the Flower Girls mod for a while now, I've been enjoing it but recently I came across this problem. Somehow all the dialogues ( relevant to the quest) are missing, I cant interact with the flower girls and therefore start the animations.

It has been suggested to me to try and restart the mod usind the mod option or trying moving it up in my load order, but neither of this has worked. What do you think is causing this? What should I do?


btw this is my load order



Edited by ManuelD93
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Do you have the mod "Open Cities?" I've noticed that this mod has broken a number of quest of mine some that were introduced by mods and some vanilla quests. You might want to start with that one. Another suggestion would be any mod that changes dialogue of npc's in the game. I.e immersive citizens, relationship dialogue, These are some suggestions to work on without seeing your mod list.


Also if it was working before check any mods for which you might have recently installed.

Edited by redneck1st
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Missing dialogues can be a sign of corrupted saves. The way to tell is to start a new game and see if the dialogues are still broken.


If your save appears to be corrupted, go back through earlier saves until you find one that is not broken and play forward again from there.


Removing mods mid play-through can cause save corruption, as can playing on from a quicksave after changing your load order. But there are many other ways that saves can get broken without you being aware of it at first.


If it still happens on a new game, of course, then you have a bad mod somewhere.

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  • 9 months later...

Im having the same issue...everything else is there but no option spell to set up Flower Girls.
I have reinstalled,started new game,downloaded earlyer files in case it was a issue with just the new file..
And still no options menu like I had before using NMM. I am now using Vortex and every mod works great...
I just can't seem to find whats wrong with this one?....weird...This only happend since the switch to Vortex

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it doest show up with some characters like nijara and the war maidens it says they alrdy have the dialogue but when i speak with them i see nothing , works normally with random NPCs , it only give me the seduction options and when i keep giving gifts i end up no where at the end no sex option

Edited by dragonlove
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