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cure disease potion


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first for all, i have no modding skill :( (if someone know where to find an "how to for dummies" would be great..)


i always hated the standard cure disease potion: a potion who cure all the illness, perhaps the hair-fallen too.. is it a western?

in morrowind at least there was the blight..

i understand the cure disease spell..it's magic.. but alchemy is an arcane science, not a mystic art!


is it possible to make antidotes different for every disease? maybe changing some effect from the ingredient (almost every ingredient has futiles effect who none regret..)

or better make it dependent from the connection of three element(making it finally really usefull, and very hard to find.. medicine is tough way!)


another way could be using the cooking skill


is there someone who would take this challange?

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