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OBSE & Direct 2 Drive... any solutions?


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Ok, I bought the Direct 2 Drive version of Oblivion, and OBSE wont work. Little did I know at the time, but apparently the D2D version is compressed and possibly encrypted according to the OBSE readme. :wallbash: So is there any solution to this (short of going out and buying retail copy that is)???


Thanks in advance for your help!! :thanks:

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In my opinion the D2D is a rip off. they promise you a Game 'identical' to the retail version and don't deliver. I call that bait and switch. If you used a credit card to pay, maybe you could dispute the charge as you did not get what you paid for. Or, settle for them sending you a legal disk version that works properly. Maybe if you bug them enough they will give you a refund. My guess is they will claim you got what you paid for or ignore you.


Good luck with this.

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  • 2 years later...

I also learned that D2D is a horse s*** company. However if you got the Si expansion you can make Obse work with a cleaver work around.

1. install SI

2. Download the lastest version of OBSE

3. install OBSE

4. it will tell you some unknown version crap

5. Use the auto patcher

6. un activate the si esp.

7. start your game and make sure OBSE works

8. then exit activate SI (try to get near the top of the load order)

9.Restart your game

10. goto the location of the island, this will manually activate SI and it might work


I hope I helped anyone who had to learn how shitty D2D is on their own like me :(

NOTE: Not thourgherly thested and the current testing is only on win 7 this may not be completly accurate as i have made this meathod myself

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