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What mod (or setting) shows weapon DPS?


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I believe that's added by DEF_UI, but it could be added by the various sorting mods. I personally use DEF_UI and Bhaal's Better Sorting together and I can see the weapon's DPS listed with all the other stats (as well as exact values for stat changes added by weapon mods), but I'm not sure which of the two actually adds the value for DPS. If I had to guess, I'd say it's more likely added by DEF_UI.


Either way, you should very strongly consider installing DEF_UI and either Bhaal's Better Sorting or Valdacil's Item Sorting. DEF_UI is basically Fallout 4's equivalent of SkyUI and is something most players would consider to be a must-have mod. Between BBS and VIS (or even a different sorting mod entirely), it comes down to personal preference; I suggest trying both and deciding for yourself. You could also use DEF_UI without a sorting mod, but at that point the inventory portion of DEF_UI isn't nearly as much of an improvement over vanilla as it otherwise could be.

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